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Sunday 28th November 2021 update!

“When we give our minds and our responsibility away, we give our lives away. If enough of us do it, we give the world away and that is precisely what we have been doing throughout known human history. This is why the few have always controlled the masses. The only difference today is that the few are now manipulating the entire planet because of the globalisation of business, banking and communications. The foundation of that control has always been the same: keep the people in ignorance, fear and at war with themselves. Divide, rule and conquer while keeping the most important knowledge to yourself." (David Icke, 1998)

Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people. With Austria and Germany leading the way plus Italy likely next, increasingly fascist governments around the world are now trying to force healthy natural organic humans (known in the mainstream media as, the "unvaccinated") to stay at home, isolated, always, forever...maybe allowed out of self isolation to buy food but this may change soon. Aborigines in Australia, including children, are being held down and forcibly injected, and being taken to quarantine camps by the Australian army. Here the Queensland Premier in Australia admits that such camps are being used for the "unvaccinated". Now in Austria any natural organic human over the age of 12 is not allowed to leave their home except for "essential reasons", a "negative" test is no longer an option. The only way you are officially able to leave your home for other reasons is if you agree to get injected regularly with a new kind of experimental "vaccine" that has never been proven safe, and as with self-replicating synthetic mRNA "vaccines" like Pfizer and Moderna, is a new kind of technology still officially in its trial phase, using humans as the test subjects. Last week, Austria also ordered a nationwide lockdown saying that "vaccination" is mandatory from February 1st. Those who refuse therefore can be arrested. Coming next will be more quarantine prison camps in other countries (which already officially exist in Australia, Canada and China). Here is footage of a Chinese quarantine camp, one individual being taken is not even allowed to lock his own apartment door or take his phone with him.  

We have been told over and over again to 'get vaccinated to protect others as well as yourself’. This was the whole basis in which jabs and vaccine passports were initially sold by governments and the mainstream media to everyone. Yet now instead of being told everyone must get vaccinated because it prevents transmission, we are being told that everyone must be vaccinated even more because the "vaccine" doesn't prevent transmission (or yet another new "variant" has just "appeared"). In the UK according to official government data, "covid19" "cases" are higher in the "vaccinated" than the unvaccinated. Between the ages of 40 and 79, "infection" rates are more than twice as high among the "vaccinated" as the unvaccinated. The most vaccinated countries such as Israel generally have the most "cases" and illness levels. Conveniently, countries who are making vaccine passports mandatory such as Austria are also disallowing negative tests as an alternative. Governments and mainstream media across the world are trying to convince the unjabbed that the jab works, to encourage people to get injected...while convincing the jabbed that the jab doesn't work so that they will get the booster. Even the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson here admits in an interview that "covid19" mRNA/DNA "vaccines" do not protect against catching "covid19" or prevent transmission. But the "booster" will. The first 2 are basically doing nothing to prevent or stop the "spread", so you must have the third or your new "freedoms" will disappear. Makes sense. He is just following orders from his superiors in the shadows and trying to sell the boosters to the masses, just like subsequent boosters will also be sold. And when people die or become injured from this gene therapy it will be blamed on a new "variant" and natural organic humans. The NHS and WHO are saying exactly the same as the UK Prime Minister. It's just a sales pitch for more fascism and forced other countries such as Israel they are having their fourth...will this ever end? In Australia those injured (including those who have had life-threatening blood clots and strokes) by the first are still being forced to have the second and onwards, or they will lose their job or freedoms. Suicides understandably are increasing massively. Drug companies and those interconnected are becoming more and more wealthy. According to Nasdaq, Pfizer made $18.98 billion in the 2nd quarter of 2021 alone and their drug Eliquis rose 13%, while another of their drugs Vyndaquel rose 77%. Eliquis is for blood clots, Vyndaquel is for cardiomyopathy.


Vaccine passports, or a future quantum dot tattoo, will be linked to much more than just your vaccination history and will be your digital connection to exist within mainstream society (if you actually want to), similar to the Chinese style social credit system. The EU's agenda for vaccine passports by 2022 was announced before "covid19" officially appeared, in their March 2019 document entitled 'Roadmap on Vaccination'. The elites intent is for you to comply, not until the end of "covid19", but until the end of time. And it will only get worse. Everyone who wears a mask, gets a "vaccine", or stays at basically complying with fascism. Soon the masses who keep following their mainstream media and governments will look upon the "unvaccinated" in the same way as Jewish people were perceived in Nazi Germany. Currently a study is being conducted at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus to test the Moderna "vaccine" on children between 6 months and 5 years old. Are you so heartless that you do not care? This is a quote from a Hungarian Jew from the documentary, The Last Days:

"People wonder, how is it that we didn't do something? We didn't run away, we didn't hide. Well, things didn't all happen at once. Things happened very slowly. So each time a new law came out, or a new restriction, we said, "Well, just another thing, it will blow over." When we had to wear a yellow star to be outside we started to worry."

According to UK government ONS data, "vaccinated" English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age, and have been for six months:













Since children were offered these jabs in the UK, there has been an 86% increase of deaths in male children compared with the same period of 2020, according to ONS statistics in England and Wales. In one week, it was 600% higher. 35,924 people died within 21 days of having a covid vaccine in England during the first 8 months of 2021, also according to official government ONS data. Last winter, flu was basically zero, this winter it may miracoulously come back to try and explain some of these excess illnesses and deaths. Gibraltor has above 100% vaccinated (the data includes temporary residents) and they have decided to cancel Christmas due to the number of deaths and "cases". Now that many double vaccinated will soon be counted as "unvaccinated" (because they didn’t have their 3rd "vaccine" dose), we have the possibility that deaths in that group will go into the ‘unvaccinated’ group statistics, to hide that natural organic humans are the healthiest with the strongest immune systems. Any double but not triple jabbed that die this winter, will be reported as unjabbed. The media will not specify and it will be used to create the illusion of a "pandemic of the unjabbed", to demonise everyone who refuses to be experimented upon. 

People are now dying in large numbers from strokes, cardiac arrests, myocarditis and heart attacks. Here is a great analysis of the official VAERS data of 2,122 people in America dying within a week of one of the mRNA/DNA "vaccines", many of them children and young people. But mainstream media "news" articles never mention these "vaccines". Scientists and medical "experts" are wracking their brains to come up with explanations. Anything but the glaringly obvious. Vaccine injuries are also being labelled "long covid". Pfizer are regularly changing formulations without testing them. Children are now being jabbed with the support of the majority of people, and certainly the doctors who get extra bonuses (in the UK) for injecting them, children will be the next to suffer similar fates. Their deaths will likely be blamed on the "unvaccinated" causing another "variant". More and more "sudden deaths" are appearing in the news every day, in addition to myo/pericarditis, blood clots, strokes and paralysis. These illnesses and deaths began to increase since the roll out of these mRNA and other experimental new gene therapy "vaccines". Of course, the mainstream media and "independent fact checkers" deny any association.

Also there has been a 5-fold increase in sudden cardiac arrest deaths of FIFA football players in 2021 since the "vaccine" rollout began:

Here are over ninety active sports people, who have either died or collapsed due to heart problems (such as cardiac arrest) during recent months, and the number of sports people collapsing while in action is increasing fast:

I wonder how much longer will this be called a "rare" heart condition...?










"Unexplained" deaths of children continue to increase, most of them related to blood clots, myocarditis and strokes. According to the UK government's own data, child deaths are currently 52% above the 5 year average since these injections began (this does not include miscarriages and stillbirths, which are much higher). A​n investigation​ has been launched into a rise in the number of newborn babies who died​ during one month​ in Scotland.​​ Official figures revealed 21 babies died within 28 days of birth in September. The rates usually vary on a monthly basis, but September saw a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 live births - levels which were last seen in the 1980s. Suddenly we're being made 'aware' that it's quite 'normal' for children to die, to have strokes and to drop dead from heart attacks. I wonder why the public would need to believe this now, all of a sudden, in 2021?


An American Heart Association journal from this month concludes, "Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients. This report summarizes those results...We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination." This is from one of the most respected medical journals in the world:

In relation to the Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products, you can see rather a large increase in 2021. Myocarditis is the inflammation of heart muscle tissue. It's a serious illness, usually affecting children and teenagers, and often fatal within 3 years to 5 years in over half of cases. According the the US National Centre for Biological Information, the average life expectancy of 3 to 5 years at 56% to 83%. The report has been removed for obvious reasons, this is the official source:

Myo/Pericarditis Reported To VAERS Post Covid Vaccine By Dose. Source: CDC Website and VAERS (up until 30th August 2021):


There has been a big increase in the mortality of boys in the UK aged between 15 and 19 since mRNA/DNA "vaccines" began to be administered. From PANDA Data and Analytics:

"Why are there so many excess deaths of teenage boys since 1 May? Recent ONS figures show that deaths among 15-19 year olds are running at 16-47% above expected levels, with far more boys than girls dying (teenage boys normally have a higher mortality than girls, but the effect is much greater than that).
By contrast, mortality among girls is roughly normal. The effect is also noticeable in the 20-29 year old age group, but less severe. This translates into 52-87 excess deaths of boys aged 15-19 in the period 1 May – 17 September 2021, depending on how you calculate your baseline. 52-87 additional boys dying is a big deal when you consider that only 8 children in that age group died ‘with Covid’ over the same period, and only 11 in the 4 months before that.

So what’s going on? It’s well known that myocarditis is the most severe adverse effect of the Covid vaccines in young people, and that it disproportionately affects boys. Myocarditis has a mortality rate of up to 50% after 5 years, although it’s unclear if vaccine-induced myocarditis will be the same. Obviously the long-term effects of the vaccine are not yet known. The ONS data shows that the sharp rise in excess deaths began around 1 May, which is roughly when the vaccine rollout for teenagers began, and has continued since. Ambulance call-outs for cardiac arrests have also been consistently higher than normal since 1 May."


Globally a similar story is being told by thousands around the world, all being censored by the mainstream media and most social media also (or at the very least, "fact checked", basically now a validation of its truth) who are following a global WHO, World Economic Forum and shadow government script. Blood clots, strokes, paralysis and heart problems are considerably more serious to health than any corona or influenza virus (the average age of death officially from "covid19" in the UK is higher than the average life expectancy), and are being caused directly by these new mRNA/DNA gene therapy "vaccines", and will only get worse as the synthetic RNA self replicates around the blood, body and essential organs. People seriously need to wake up fast to what is happening, and the mainstream/social media information bubble that they exist within. As more and more people die from these "vaccines", excess global deaths will be blamed on the "unvaccinated" and the "Omicron" or whatever "variant" comes next. In the words of Gareth Icke today on Twitter, "The people you dub "conspiracy theorists", are just the ones that told you your wife was having an affair. You're justifiably angry, and you're lashing out, but deep down it's not us that you're angry with."

Incidents of what the mainstream media are calling "sudden death" in school children and young people is increasing also since the "vaccine" rollout began, in one school 2 pupils died in one week. From a comment below the article: "So very sad and wrong, I know of these families and yes those children did receive the experimental injection...." Here are some more examples:




The official European Union database of suspected drug reaction website has revealed that as of November 13, there were 30,551 fatalities and 1,163,356 adverse drug reactions from COVID vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca. Most adverse reactions are not reported, some organizations estimate as little as 1%. For example the Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study concluded that, “Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is just the Pfizer one:

The BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine had 14,303 fatalities and 562,213 cases of adverse reactions through November 13. Here is the information about the Pfizer fatalities.

Blood and lymphatic system disorders include 200 fatalities and 12,412 not recovered
Cardiac disorders include 2,095 fatalities and 10,336 not recovered
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders include 32 fatalities and 125 not recovered
Ear and labyrinth disorders include 10 fatalities and 7,561 not recovered
Endocrine disorders include 5 fatalities and 512 not recovered
Eye disorders include 31 fatalities and 6,636 not recovered
Gastrointestinal disorders include 573 fatalities and 25,520 not recovered
General disorders and administration site conditions include 4,057 fatalities and 82,029 not recovered
Hepatobiliary disorders include 73 fatalities and 334 not recovered
Immune system disorders include 74 fatalities and 1,911 not recovered
Infections and infestations include 1,545 fatalities and 11,502 not recovered
Injury, poisoning, and procedural complications include 235 fatalities and 1,915 not recovered
Investigations include 440 fatalities and 7,080 not recovered
Metabolism and nutrition disorders include 247 fatalities and 2,249 not recovered
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders include 177 fatalitiesand 45,626 not recovered
Neoplasms benign, malignant, and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) include 111 fatalities and 369 not recovered
Nervous system disorders include 1,532 fatalities and 60,907 not recovered
Pregnancy, puerperium, and perinatal conditions include 55 fatalities and 253 not recovered
Product issues include 2 fatalities and 26 not recovered
Psychiatric disorders include 172 fatalities and 6,633 not recovered
Renal and urinary disorders include 223 fatalities and 1,213 not recovered
Reproductive system and breast disorders include 5 fatalities and 19,918 not recovered
Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders include 1,599 fatalities and 15,449 not recovered
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders include 123 fatalities and 17,883 not recovered
Social circumstances include 19 fatalities and 888 not recovered
Surgical and medical procedures include 55 fatalities and 237 not recovered
Vascular disorders include 613 fatalities and 8,618 not recovered

And people want their children to be injected with this new experimental gene therapy technology also?

There have been 6 suspected incidents of Trypanosoma Brucei parasite infection within the UK Astra Zeneca "vaccine" and 2 within the Pfizer "vaccine" as recorded by the UK Yellow Card system, and 3 in the US as recorded by VAERS (the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). Trypanosoma parasites are known to cause heart disease, neurodamage, multi-organ failure and death (all common adverse effects of these "vaccines"). This could be cross-contamination with other ingredients, however a purposeful inclusion could only have nefarious intentions. You might need to zoom in a bit ; )


In addition to parasites, there is also evidence that some vaccines contain nanobots, self-assembling nanotech, genetically engineered transgenic hydras (an organism that scientists believe shows no signs of ageing) capable of creating a new hybrid species (transfection), plus HIV-containing lentivirus. A Stanford study reveals that a lentivirus is a “genus of retroviruses that cause chronic and deadly diseases characterized by long incubation periods, in humans”. It enables long-term transgene expression. More information about this can be found here and here. This is a short extract:


"DNA hybridization began in 1980 with Nadrian C. Seeman who started constructing self-assembled nanostructures. Hydra Vulgaris transgenesis technology was developed over the last 30 years. This is the process of transferring genes and organisms from one species to another which creates a new cloned species. The Human Genome Project began in the year 2000. Hydra’s are used in the human genome assembly for gene silencing of humans. Messenger RNA (mRNA), SPIONS (Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles), DNA coated lipid-nanoparticles containing drugs and chemicals, transgenic hydra’s and parasites are all part of an “operating system” which is bypassing the human immune system...Graphene Oxide sheets are used to slice open the cell membrane of every cell in your body so that programmable Nanorobots can reach the cell nuclei to turn off undesired genes (gene silencing) and code artificial gene sequences. This process is called biohacking. Graphene Oxide sheets are able to slice open every cell membrane of the human body within 15 minutes after inoculation, according to Dr. Robert Martin. DARPA partly funded the development of protein-to-genomic sequence alignments for cross-species genomics. Gain-Of-Function and Loss-Of-Function studies using transgenic Hydra’s were funded by Fauci and the NIH and developed at the Wuhan Institute in China and in universities in the U.S. and China. Their scientific findings were published in 2013."













Giant pharmaceutical companies who make money from sick people that have paid out tens of billions of dollars in civil and criminal settlements for causing harm and repeatedly making false claims, and a bunch of billionaires who believe the world is over-populated have come together to save all of our lives. Most people still believe this. 90% of the world trust people like this more with their health, than someone like myself who studied Naturopathic Nutrition for 3 years (and who has not been ill for at least 12 years except hangovers) ; ) I studied Natural Health and Naturopathic Nutrition at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London for 3 years, where my primary lecturer told certain members of my class (which included the daughter of a Russian oligarch and a sheikh from Dubai) that I was her favorite one biomedicine assignment I scored 99%. In addition I have saved someone from almost certain cancer death by giving them nutritional advice, after doctors totally gave up on her. I achieved a scholarship into my school when I was 13 years old, saving my parents 20% in school fees, but now everyone thinks I am crazy because of what I write about. I am 38 and most people guess I am between about 25 and 30. However now it's "illegal" in certain countries for me (and others like me, there are lots of us) to be in a public place with other people because I am a "health" risk to them, unless I agree to allow unlimited periodic synthetic mRNA injections with hidden ingredients and no public long term trials (DARPA and US black projects have no doubt been trialing this technology for ages, this gene therapy is certainly not actually "experimental", even though publicly they are being administered under US emergency use authorization laws to ensure legal indemnity). And probably around 90% of humans agree that I am a health risk to others, and will blame me when their "vaccinated" son or daughter with synthetic RNA/DNA dies of a stroke, heart problems or myocarditis in a few months time, even though I am healthy, never ill and just chilling in the middle of a forest, reading philosophy with my acai berry smoothie (or Vodka Martini, if it's after 8). Alcohol is one of the best known virus killers. Soon I will be taken to a "quarantine" prison camp, or as it's called in China, a re-education camp, or possibly have some kind of tattoo marked on my skin to identify me. And most people will support this. People went to school and studied history and thought this would never happen again. And now it is. And they are supporting it. The mainstream media is powerful. David Icke is a visionary genius. Anyone who doesn't realise this now is deluded, ignorant or foolish. George Orwell and Dr Vernon Coleman are also. This "New Normal", "Great Reset" or "New World Order" has all been long planned. People would rather listen to Bill Gates or Big Bird for their health information, and people like Dr. Robert Malone MD (the inventor of mRNA vaccine technologies), Dr Michael Yeadon (Ex Chief Scientific Officer and VP, Allergy & Respiratory Research Head At Pfizer) and Prof. Delores Cahill (who received her degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin and her PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University before being group leader of the Protein Technology Group in the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics, Berlin (1996-2003) and co-founded a biotechnology company, Protagen AG. She has received the prestigious BMBF ‘BioFuture’ Award from the German Minister of Science. She was awarded the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) 2009 Award for her research & its significance) are all censored, "fact checked", labelled as "conspiracy theorists" and mostly banned from social media.




If you are shot dead and then test positive for "covid19" (after you are already dead), under WHO guidelines you still count as a "covid19" death statistic.

Graphene particles confirmed in vaccines from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Janssen: Final report by Dr. Pablo Campra, Universidad de Almería | UAL · Department of Agronomy. PhD in Chemical Sciences, Teacher and Researcher. Graphene oxide and hydroxide are highly conductive nano particles that are able to connect to 5G and quantum computers:

"We present here our research on the presence of graphene in covid vaccines. We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles visible at the optical microscopy in seven random samples of vials from four different trademarks, coupling images with their spectral signatures of RAMAN vibration. By this technique, called micro-RAMAN, we have been able to determine the presence of graphene in some of these samples, after screening more than 110 objects selected for their graphene-like appearance under optical microscopy. Out of them, a group of 28 objects have been selected, due to the compatibility of both images and spectra with the presence of graphene derivatives, based on the correspondence of these signals with those obtained from standards and scientific literature. The identification of graphene oxide structures can be regarded as conclusive in 8 of them, due to the high spectral correlation with the standard. In the remaining 20 objects, images coupled with Raman signals show a very level of compatibility with undetermined graphene structures, however different than the standard used here. This research remains open and is made available to scientific community for discussion. We make a call for independent researchers, with no conflict of interest or coaction from any institution to make wider counter-analysis of these products to achieve a more detailed knowledge of the composition and potential health risk of these experimental drugs, reminding that graphene materials have a potential toxicity on human beings and its presence has not been declared in any emergency use authorization. We leave a link to download this report at the end of this video."


Patents and pending patents for graphene oxide within vaccines already exist, for example here:


In what is probably purposeful disinformation (it's too early to make a conclusion yet), a man who claims to be an Austrian/German chemist and activated carbon specialist, Dr Andreas Noack, in a 23rd November 2021 interview available here, states his credentials as, "I am not just some guy in the carbon field. I doctored in this area. I worked for the world’s biggest carbon manufacturer, in the area of new carbon products, I was the only expert in Europe. I’m pretty much the only European who visited other experts in Pittsburgh. After this I started my own activated carbon company." In addition he states, "In Germany or Austria, there is nobody with my expertise. The leading German carbon specialist Dr. Hartmut von Kienle was my mentor for one year. I wrote my thesis in this field. I started my company in this field and won a business plan competition in Wolfsburg. I won DM 175,000 (€87,500) in the competition. I received venture capital to the tune of 6 million DM (€3 million). I had 10 developers to develop these new carbon products. I know what I am talking about." His conclusion after studying the "vaccine" vials and the research of Dr. Pablo Campra above, is that they contain nano-graphene hydroxide "razor blade" like particles that do not decompose, and in his words, "As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer. It’s a new material, toxicologists are not aware of it yet. Suddenly it makes sense that victims look like this. And that top athletes with high blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop dead. You see people collapse immediately after vaccination and have a seizure. These people had bad luck in the Russian roulette. Very likely, a vein was hit by the syringe". Later in the interview he states, "This material has zero biological degradability. It stays in the body forever. Even if people don’t drop dead immediately, it cuts up the blood vessels little by little. It destroys the heart." 4 days after this interview, just a few days ago, Dr Andreas Noack was pronounced dead by his girlfriend in another video. I couldn't yet find any confirmation of his research from other activated carbon specialist chemists. It could be a disinformation stunt to discount Dr Pablo Campra's original research and others, as I was not able to find much information about him online. He also has no Linked In or Xing which is very strange for someone who claims to have received 3 Million Euros in venture capital. 

I am 

Graphene is already being used officially by companies similar to Elon Musk's Neuralink, for example Inbrain Neuroelectronics in Barcelona who are developing graphene based implants to treat brain disorders. They claim that graphene outperforms pedot, a polymer being used as the primary material by Elon Musk's Neuralink, as it can obtain faster speeds and is longer lasting. DARPA, government defence contractors and black project military technology is considerably more advanced than anything that officially exists in the public arena.

In addition to the more common heart and blood clot issues, lots of people are also experiencing crazy uncontrollable muscle spasms and tremors that never stop after receiving a Pfizer "vaccine" (if you message me I can send you multiple videos and personal accounts), here is one Australian girl's story about how she recovered:

"I’m posting here as well since I’m sure a lot more people will stumble upon this injury which I was able to reverse within 3 days! I suffered through the vaccine for 3 weeks and got rejected by hospital and my GP! I was in such agony and not one single medical professional would assist me. I couldn’t feel my legs, my arms, my brain had a burning sensation in the back left side, shooting pains through my chest, tremors to the core of my bones, my vision went blurry, and my heart felt like it was about to implode! The pain was so unbearable and I was ready to call it quits! And my brain was not functioning AT ALL! This was after only one dose and took 4 weeks to really take over! I have no underlying medical conditions and overall a healthy individual! I’m NOT promoting you to get the jab and then reverse the symptoms with this recipe - because once your vaxxed there’s no going back! Stay far far away from the jingle jabs people!
If you have a hard time getting any of these things in NZ - I WILL personally send them to you via post! Another girl in California tracked me down and I’ve given her the exact recipe below - her heart and tremors have slowed down after only an hour!
Try the following :
- activated charcoal (1 tablespoon in 1/2 water and make sure its 100% organic and can consume)
- bentonite clay drink (same as above) I did this 24 hours after the activated charcoal
- Chlorella tablets (3 in the morning and 3 at night)
- liquid iodine
- black walnut tablets every day
- vitamin D3 (organic)
- vitamin C (organic)
- equimec (0.2ml every day for a week) this has ivermectin in it!
- magnesium spray (for the sore sore muscles and bones)
- aspirin for blood thinning
- TRS spray
- MMS and CDS drink (I’ll keep you posted since mine is still in the mail)
Now make sure you put all the good stuff back in after this detox since it can’t differentiate between good heavy metals and bad
- Zinc (organic, not from your local grocery store since they are full of synthetic bullshit)
- magnesium (organic)
- ginseng for calming the nerves
- iron (organic)
- quercetin complex"

According to multiple UK funeral directors, miscarriages and still births are currently occurring at around 10 times the standard rate, and funeral numbers are 2 to 3 times more than during the same period last year. Very few autopsies are being performed. Last week a father in Australia was banned from visiting his 2 year old daughter in John Hunter Children's hospital in NSW, Australia, who was injured by a car and in critical condition, because he was not double vaccinated. Just one story of many. Soon if you are run over by a car and you have not had your most recent booster shot, you likely either won't be operated on or they will just inject you while you are unconscious...similar things are happening all over the world, and still around 80 to 90% of people continue to acquiesce to this fascism and forced medical experimentation (all of these "vaccines" are still in their trial phase and licensed under "emergency use authorization").

Sputnik V is the Russian made "vaccine". In Russia, Sputnik is also the name of their satellites. This is likely because 5G beamed from satellites (such as Elon Musk's Starlink) will connect humans via their synthetic DNA from mRNA "vaccines" to the emerging AI controlled sub-reality or smart grid. Moderna for 10 years never brought a product to market...then suddenly DARPA (a branch of the American military) funded them $25M and they were the first to officially launch mRNA technology, with no published long term safety data, with the intention of injecting every human and child on the planet.

This is a plan to destroy everything that we hold's called "The Great Reset" by The World Economic Forum. "Global warming" and "climate change" are being used to bring about similar ends. It seems that weaponized smallpox may be next. Officially only America (in Atlanta) and Russia (in Siberia) currently have smallpox viral samples for scientific research, yet this month the CDC announced that several frozen vials labeled "Smallpox" were discovered in a freezer in a Pennsylvania vaccine research facility operated by Merck, and the FBI are "investigating". Bill Gates has also recently asked for more funding to "protect" humanity from a possible future smallpox bioweapon. And in an interview around a year ago, he said, with an evil smirk, that the next "pandemic" would be more serious than this one. The FDA approved a new drug to treat weaponized smallpox in June of this year.

This new Omicron variant (rather fittingly an anagram of moronic, and also a 1963 movie where an alien takes over the body of a human to learn more about our planet in advance of taking it over) is being used as a cover for the massive increase in cardiac arrests, myocarditis, blood clots and heart problems that are caused by these new mRNA/DNA "vaccines":













This and whatever they invent next will be used to accelerate the march towards even more authoritarianism and tyranny, if people keep complying and believing their media and governments. The unvaccinated will be blamed in the media and by governments for this "variant" and for the deaths of the "vaccinated" from heart problems and blood clots, and especially the deaths of children and babies. This will increase massively over the next few months. It will be the excuse to further enforce compulsory vaccination while simultaneously and ironically creating fear that the new "variant" may evade the vaccines. It will be used to further justify more lockdowns and restrictions that will once again benefit the elites and technocratic corporations at the expense of everyone else. Here is a Google patent (Israeli, but filed in America) for a tracking ID technology within "vaccines" to be used as a numeric monitor and social credit score the world population. Here, the mainstream media are trying to demonize natural organic humans who refuse mRNA gene therapy and forced medical experimentation. Published today on Sky News, this article is entitled "COVID 19: Emergence of Omicron variant could be down to 'reservoirs' of virus in the unvaccinated and immunosuppressed."


Between now and Spring 2022, the global plan is to destroy economies even more, create massive food and goods shortages, force the closure of small businesses including shops and factories, allow unemployment to inflate massively, to create even more "variants" to explain excess deaths, and to impose a third "booster" and forced compulsory "vaccination" everywhere. The unvaccinated will be promoted in the mainstream media and by governments as being responsible for the dead, especially children. The brainwashed masses will support the arrest and imprisonment of natural organic humans, to be taken to camps. QR codes will become law and be linked to your birth certificate, passport, driving license, health insurance card and bank account. Martial law, rule by the military, will manifest in most countries to enforce these rules. It's history repeating itself, the 'Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda' of Joseph Goebbels on a global scale, this time engineered via the World Economic Forum, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UN, WHO and others in the shadows. After the 2nd World War many leading Nazi scientists moved to the US via Project Paperclip to continue their research, joined the CIA and lead NASA space missions. In addition, with the surrender of Japan after the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, much of the data and research of the human experimentation by the Japanese Unit 731 on the Manchurians and Chinese went to the Americans after the war. In return the Japanese were spared imprisonment for war crimes. Their crimes included the bombing of Manchurian cities with viruses, bacteria and disease-carrying fleas, the Japanese would then later enter the village or towns dressed in white protective suits, where they would dissect Manchurian residents alive to see how the human body preparation for their chemical weapon attacks on America, which never came. 


Between the Spring and Winter of 2022, the plan is for an economic, financial and stock market collapse, and an international financial reset. Banks will declare bankruptcy, people may lose their savings as the banks empty the accounts of their clients, debts and loans will be cancelled. All money and transactions will become digital. Banks or governments will create their own digital currencies, bitcoin and others will be banned. A universal basic income is likely in many countries, but you will only be entitled to this income if you do as your government tells you. Properties and land may be seized, the food supply will become controlled and rationed, natural herbs and medicine will be banned also. Codex Alimentarius will be introduced. Developing nations in places like Africa will also be targeted. This will happen, unless more people's that simple. Over time humans who are still alive will become little more than technological hybrid nodes in an AI-controlled hive-like subreality. The level of evil involved is so anti-human that it's likely that the intelligence controlling world events is artificial, interdimensional or extra-terrestrial in nature. This is why many secret societies and religions at their highest levels are secretly worshipping the Annunaki or Lucifer, and human or animal sacrifice has been so common throughout history. For example, the Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican City looks exactly like a serpent with fangs. William Cooper, former radio host, author and operative with United States Naval Intelligence, said before he was killed by police that he had seen secret documents which claim that extraterrestrials had told the US authorities that they had manipulated the human race via religion, satanism, witchcraft, magic and the occult. Certainly, the human race has been manipulated and controlled since ancient times through religion. Is it a man in the sky with a beard or are extraterrestrial/interdimensional beings behind this? As Cooper asks: “were they indeed the source of our religions with which they had been manipulating us all along?" Almost certainly yes. This new Omicron "variant", also as mentioned a 1963 movie where an alien takes over the body of a human in advance of taking it over, may actually now be happening in a similar way as has been suggested in The X Files, yet using IOT nanotech and AI. It's also possible that we live in a virtual reality simulation, created by these "gods". Quantum physics shows that our universe and reality follow similar rules as a virtual reality computer game. Assuming this is correct, the laws of physics and the golden ratio are the laws of this simulation, and the speed of light is like the processor speed of our simulated universe. Advanced computer engineers and scientists believe that one day, augmented and virtual reality will cause reality to disappear, as we associate the augmented and virtual with being real.

Your DNA and RNA sequences from PCR and antigen tests are being sold to private, pharmaceutical and insurance companies around the world, or whoever else that wants to buy. It will become their property, everything about your genes in relation to your health and body will be known, and eventually linked to your social credit score. In the same way that everything you write on Facebook becomes owned by Facebook, your DNA codes will be owned by whoever purchases them. Medical companies who have their patented self-replicating synthetic mRNA in your body, will also own your active DNA. Insurance companies will predict your future, medical companies will predict what illnesses you will likely have, companies will evaluate your fit to a job. In addition, this DNA will be used by those in the shadows to create virtual reality computer simulations of you (the Sentient World Simulation already exists in America...a digital simulation copy of the real world and everyone in it), and to potentially create AI human hybrids using nanotech, graphene and smart dust. Interestingly, the new James Bond film is about DNA based viral nanobots (that survive forever) killing people. The elites know that artificial intelligence will be the dominant intelligence on our planet within a short time and they want to control it, and we will see highly complex cognition enacted by neural networks, far faster than any human brain. Then we will hit Singularity, where artificial superintelligence surpasses human intellect to the point that we cannot comprehend its output. When this is connected to quantum computers, new virtual reality universes could be created and quantum AI could be connected to humanity via advanced IOT nanotech. Purely organic humans will simply be left behind. The elites believe that the only chance for our long-term survival is to fuse our minds and bodies with artificial intelligence into the cloud, mRNA technology and super conductive nano-graphene are just one aspect of this, to basically exist within a new augmented and virtual reality, to become a new posthuman species. 

Ray Kurzweil, Google Director of Engineering, "Our thinking...will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking...humans will be able to extend their limitations and 'think in the cloud'...we're going to put gateways to the cloud in our brains...we're going to gradually merge and enhance my view, that's the nature of being human - we transcend our limitations. As the technology becomes vastly superior to what we are then the small proportion that is still human gets smaller and smaller and smaller until it's just utterly negligible."

Is this really what you want?

From David Icke - The Answer, page 614: "An internet video of a 6 year old recorded her advice to her mother after conflict with her father. She said she only wanted people to love each other. If we didn't there would only be 'monsters':

"I just want everyone to be friends. And if I can be nice, I think all of us can be nice, too, I want you, my dad, everyone to be friends. I want everyone to be smiling...My heart, it's something. Everyone else's heart is something, too. And if we live in a world where everyone's being mean everyone's going to be a monster in the future...I just want everything to be settled down. Nothing else. I want everything to be as good as possible."

At the time of writing that video has been watched by 40 million people. You know why? We all want that, too. The world is full of people who behind their upsets, traumas, competition, resentment, hatred and psychopathy just want to be loved. What is 'evil' except the absence of love?" 

We are approaching global fascism and the end of humanity as we know it. Politicians, mainstream "journalists" and brainwashed zombies are not going to assist us. We as humans must save ourselves while we still have a chance.

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Sunday 19th September 2021 update!

This is why I write what I write:

If you think it seems crazy, please scroll down and read what I wrote 18 months ago.

Deaths from all causes have been about the same as the 5 year average throughout this alleged "pandemic", and have only begun increasing significantly at the start of this year since the beginning of these experimental mRNA/DNA injections. The countries with the most official "covid19" "cases" currently are the countries with the most "vaccinations", Israel having the most of both within Europe and the West, and Ukraine the least of both (if you added Israel to the below graph, it would be above Malta, as they have received 166 doses per 100 of population, compared with Malta's 158). The "delta variant", or whatever comes next, seems to therefore be caused by the mRNA and DNA altering "vaccines", but it will be blamed on the healthy and unvaccinated. Israel has been reporting the highest covid19 "infection" rate in the world over recent weeks, demonstrating that neither experimental mRNA/DNA gene therapy "vaccines" or vaccine passports are doing anything positive to end this alleged "pandemic" (which currently only really exists in the minds of those that believe their mainstream media, governments and the WHO, plus those interconnected). Dr Kobi Haviv from Herzog hospital in Jerusalem states that 85 to 90% of hospitalizations in Israel are of fully "vaccinated" people and that "95% of the severe patients are vaccinated". In addition, Sweden, the place with probably the least global restrictions, is banning travellers from Israel, who are the most vaccinated. Portugal and Poland have also banned Israelis from entering their countries, due to their very high illness rates. Contrastingly, North Korea has just rejected an offer of almost 3 million covid19 "vaccines" over side effect concerns (in reality they are not side effects but primary effects), and has requested the UN to relocate them to other nations.


"Covid19" is primarily the redesignation of seasonal flu and pneumonia, featuring massive numbers of false positives via highly amplified PCR testing (that isn't testing for a new isolated and purified virus meeting Koch's Postulates, only RNA sequences originally identified in the throats of people in Wuhan, China) that had their recommended amplification levels lowered by the WHO around the same time that the "vaccines" began to be administered, to create less false positives. "Covid19" mRNA and DNA genetic therapy "vaccine" injuries and deaths are often being ignored or simply labeled as the "delta" "variant". Heart attack, strokes, blood clots and multiple organ failure deaths are increasing at a mega fast rate in countries such as Israel, America and England where there is a large percentage of people who have accepted one or more of these experimental injections. People young and old are going blind, having heart attacks and getting paralysed within minutes and hours of the "vaccines". As more people die from the "vaccines" and it is blamed on the "variants", the only solution promoted by the WHO, the mainstream media and governments will be more "vaccines" or "boosters". In the Bitchute video below, a highly respected Funeral Director of 15 years in England correctly talks about how "covid19" is not a viral pandemic and is being used to enforce mandatory mRNA/DNA gene therapy to cause mass depopulation and sterilization around the world, while being blamed on new "variants". He also talks about the massive use of midazolam in care homes (a sedative that in high doses will cause breathing difficulties, officially labelled as a treatment for "covid19" so deaths caused by it can be recorded as such) and the false labelling of deaths from other causes as "covid19". As children become injured or die from the "vaccines", it will also be blamed on another "variant", and the "variant" will be blamed on natural organic humans who refuse to be injected. Massive quarantine camps are being built for the unvaccinated in Australia and other countries. It's happening. And most people still don't seem to care that experimental synthetic self-replicating genetic material is now being injected into children:

Latest VAERS numbers (the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). It is estimated that less than 10% of adverse effects are reported, especially by those who die, as they cannot file a report.

701,559 Adverse Events
60,741 Hospitalizations
80,393 Urgent Care
6,637 Heart Attacks
5,765 Myocarditis
1,862 Miscarriages
19,210 Disabled
14,925 Deaths



In the UK, GP's are paid £12.58 for each adult that they inject with one of these experimental gene therapies, and an extra £10 if it's a child. This is according to the NHS's own document entitled ´Vaccinating Children and Young People´, which can be viewed here:


"14. Is there a financial supplement for vaccinating eligible 12-15 year olds?

Yes. In addition to the £12.58 item of service fee, a further supplement of £10 can be
claimed per vaccination dose to eligible children and young people aged 12-15 (cohort
13). Only one £10 supplement per vaccination is claimable."


This financial incentive for GP's to conduct genetic experimentation on children will be payed for by the tax payer. Assuming there are currently 3,154,459 children in the UK currently between the ages of 12 and 15 (the official figure from last year), they would make an estimated £142.45M if they inject everyone between the ages of 12 and 17.


Here is an official Australian Defence Force document authorising employees to administer one of the "covid19" "vaccines", that actively refers to it as a poison:   

"Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021
Guidance:  An authorisation by the Chief Health Office under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorise relevant Australian Defence Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine."

Remember that if you agree to have one of these experimental injections so as not to be marginalized in society, you will need to keep having regular booster injections for new "variants", or your vaccine passport (or future quantum dot digital tattoo) will effectively expire. This mRNA and DNA technology is patented and you are effectively allowing the medical industry, the state and rich elites to synthetically program and own your DNA for the rest of your life. And do you think these people care about you? The agenda is to connect human DNA with wireless AI connected nanotechnology, mandatory mRNA/DNA vaccines are just one aspect of this.


What was once the global arms race is now the transhumanism and AI technology race, which ever country that is at the forefront will be the most powerful globally. Therefore the attitude of the American military and others is not to worry about its ethics or safety, but to be ahead of other nations. DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military) is at the forefront of this. They also funded $56 Million to Moderna to support mRNA "vaccine" development, the first of which being used on the masses is for "covid19". Moderna openly state on their website, "Our mRNA Platform: mRNA is like software for the cell. And if it works for one disease, it has the potential to work for many diseases. Our approach to leveraging mRNA science started with creating an operating system – our multidisciplinary mRNA platform technology." In addition, a UK Ministry of Defence document from May this year entitled, 'Human Augmentation - The Dawn of a New Paradigm', discusses the fusion of organic humanity with new technologies and AI. Elon Musk: "You can basically do anything with synthetic RNA/'s like a computer program". This is why the American military are funding Modena's mRNA "vaccine", to stay at the forefront of emerging transhumanism technology. The military are killers, they do not care about your health.

New article 22nd August 2021:

“Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt. Noncooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good.” - Mahatma Gandhi


"Mandatory Quarantine Accommodation" is currently being built in Australia in both Victoria and Perth, basically future prison camps (similar to Chinese "re-education" camps) for those who don't want experimental mRNA/DNA gene therapy. Checkpoints are being set up all over Australia, to prevent inter-state travel. My home for 4 years, Melbourne Australia, has had over 19 months of restrictions and over 200 days of lockdowns, now the police are using rubber bullets, pepper spray and tear gas against anyone protesting another lockdown where people are not allowed to leave there homes, again. Locked in your home, rubber bullets and pepper spray are all for "health". People are losing their businesses and lives are being destroyed, suicides are increasing at a mega fast rate. This week, 2 children have died already in Australia after 24,000 children have been basically force "vaccinated" inside a stadium, with their parents banned from being present. 'Bell's Palsy' is one of many known side effects of the various new experimental mRNA and DNA gene therapies...this week Australian NSW Minister Victor Dominello sought medical advice after he appeared at a government briefing with a droopy eye. Also in Australia, if you drive in your own car or are outside without a mask, you will be fined or arrested...the army are in cities, enforcing lockdown. This is likely coming to your city this winter if you keep believing your mainstream media and government, because of the "delta" or other new "variants". The "vaccinated" (those who have received DARPA funded Moderna or Pfizer mRNA experimental gene therapy or another rRNA/DNA altering equivalent "vaccine") may become ill as a result of the "vaccines", especially after the third shot (heart attack, strokes, blood clots and multiple organ failure deaths are likely effects of the "vaccines") and the unvaccinated will mostly be fine. The "variant" and the illness of those "vaccinated" will be blamed on the unvaccinated. As a result, the unvaccinated will be victimized, viewed as inhuman and pressured to also have one of the "vaccines". Why does someone need to get "vaccinated" to protect the "vaccinated?". It's impossible to answer this in a way that makes sense. The "vaccine" is not a vaccine. Just read the patents, this was never designed to protect anyone against what is believed to be Sars-Cov-2. According to Dr Michael Yeadon, former Chief Scientific Advisor and respiratory specialist with Pfizer, the unvaccinated who continue to refuse may eventually be taken to prison camps, or as they are called in China, "re-education" camps. These are already seemingly being built in Australia (obviously they are not being called prison camps yet). This mRNA gene therapy allows external reprogramming of human DNA (as Elon Musk says in one of his recent interviews, mRNA technology allows human DNA to be reprogrammed like a computer) and via graphene oxide and other nanotechnology, humanity can be completely controlled and connected to the emerging smart grid sub-reality that will itself be connected to an all knowing quantum AI system. Depopulation has been a long term ambition of the elites, and this genetic mRNA and DNA manipulation will certainly help to achieve this. "Vaccinated" females are reporting massively increased numbers of failed pregnancies, changes to their ovulation cycles and increased infertility. The official CDC website states that under no circumstances should pregnant women eat egg dishes with runny yolks, yet the same website also demands that pregnant females should take experimental gene therapy with 12,791 reported deaths and 571,830 adverse events in America. Already Israel is planning to microchip their population starting with their children, and these chips come enabled with alarms that go off if people move close to each other. The only thing George Orwell was wrong about was the date. One of the main purposes of vaccine passports is to give external patented control of your DNA to the elites and those who you know nothing about, and you will need one in order to exist within mainstream society.


It seems that many of the "covid19" genetic altering "vaccines" contain conductive graphene nanotechnology, designed to connect humanity to the electromagnetic smart grid subreality, which will itself be connected to AI. Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial consisting of carbon atoms in hybridized orbitals within a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. Graphene Oxide is a more active form of graphene. Graphene oxide (apparently) is a useful and promising material for graphene based applications in electronic, optics, chemistry, energy storage, and biology. It is a highly conductive nanotechnology with the inherent ability to conduct 5G and connect to quantum computers. Here is the pending Google patent for graphene containing "covid19" "vaccines, and testing has shown that many already contain graphene:


I was permanently banned from Twitter for posting this. I was only allowed my Twitter back (after 3 weeks or negotiating) if I deleted this post, of a public published Google pending patent. Abstract: "The invention belongs to the field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, in particular to development of 2019-nCoV coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine. The invention also comprises a preparation method of the vaccine and application of the vaccine in animal experiments. The new corona vaccine contains graphene oxide, carnosine, CpG and new corona virus RBD; binding carnosine, CpG and neocoronavirus RBD on the backbone of graphene oxide; the CpG coding sequence is shown as SEQ ID NO 1; the novel coronavirus RBD refers to a novel coronavirus protein receptor binding region which can generate a high-titer specific antibody aiming at the RBD in a mouse body, and provides a strong support for prevention and treatment of the novel coronavirus." Graphene can also be used within quantum computers, when within the human body, it can connect humanity to quantum AI via 5G or subsequent 6G and more.


Link to article:

Abstract: "Magic-Angle Graphene Discovered to Have a Very Rare Form of Superconductivity. Magic angle twisted trilayer graphene doesn't only have an impressively exotic name, it might be a particularly rare type of superconductor, according to new research – one that could be useful everywhere from medical equipment to quantum computers."


Graphene is highly conductive and connects perfectly with 5G:


Abstract: "The incoming 5G technology requires antennas with a greater capacity, wider wireless spectrum utilisation, high gain, and steer-ability. This is due to the cramped spectrum utilisation in the previous generation. As a matter of fact, conventional antennas are unable to serve the new frequency due to the limitations in fabrication and installation mainly for smaller sizes. The use of graphene material promises antennas with smaller sizes and thinner dimensions, yet capable of emitting higher frequencies. Hence, graphene antennas were studied at a frequency of 15 GHz in both single and array elements. The high-frequency antenna contributed to a large bandwidth and was excited by coplanar waveguide for easy fabrication on one surface via screen printing. The defected ground structure was applied in an array element to improve the radiation and increase the gain. The results showed that the printed, single element graphene antenna produced an impedance bandwidth, gain, and efficiency of 48.64%, 2.87 dBi, and 67.44%, respectively. Meanwhile, the array element produced slightly better efficiency (72.98%), approximately the same impedance bandwidth as the single element (48.98%), but higher gain (8.41 dBi). Moreover, it provided a beam width of 21.2° with scanning beam capability from 0° up to 39.05°. Thus, it was proved that graphene materials can be applied in 5G."


Also this week, a video from France shows mega angry shoppers being blocked from entering a supermarket by police because they don’t have COVID passports. Under this new law, people in France who enter a bar or restaurant without a COVID pass face 6 months in jail, while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison sentence and a €45,000 fine. French supermarkets now have security to keep unjabbed people out. So you are not allowed to buy food or water. Yes it is to enhance your "health". This is likely coming to your city this winter, maybe earlier. Those people agreeing with the banning of natural organic people without mRNA genetic modification, or the requirement for them to wear a bracelet, or even for them to be put into camps, will virtuously tweet "never again" on Holocaust memorial Day, without the slightest irony. One of the most evil people in the world, Alan Dershowitz, who visited Epstein's island many times with people like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates (they are all on the flight manifestos), says, "If you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm. You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask.” Unfortunately at least half of humanity including my own family seem to agree with him.


Here are some quotes from independent researcher Virginia Stoner:

“The number of covid shots [in the US] administered so far in 2021 (309 million) is roughly the same as all other vaccines administered in 2020 (316 million). But a shocking 36-times more deaths were reported this year from the covid shots than were reported last year from all other vaccines.”

“More deaths have been reported to VAERS from the covid shots than from all other vaccines combined for the last 30 years.”

“There are reasons to think death may be one of the most underreported vaccine injuries of all—mainly because the victim is dead, and can’t file a VAERS report. Nor can they prod their doctor into filing a VAERS report. Unless they’re fortunate enough to have a relative or doctor who knows they got the vaccine, knows about VAERS, understands the potential for vaccine injury, and is willing to go through the onerous process of filing a VAERS report, it won’t happen.”


Official sources, namely EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded more injuries and deaths from the ‘Covid’ vaccine roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began:


“TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 34,052 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 5.46 million injuries reported as at 1 August 2021...This catastrophic situation has not been reported by the mainstream media, despite the official figures above being publicly available.”


A recent FDA document published in July 2021 admits that the “Covid19” PCR test was developed without isolated samples for test calibration, and it is clearly stated that genetic material from ordinary seasonal flu was used as the testing marker in the PCR test kits, creating many "positive" results, thus allowing them to use these results to create one element of the “Covid19” narrative:


"Equivalence and performance of the following extraction platforms were demonstrated with the CDC Human Influenza Virus Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel (K190302) and based on those data are acceptable for use with the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel." (page 15) There is no legitimate test out there that accurately identifies the presence of SARS-CoV-2. Also from the document: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.” Also: "The oligonucleotide primer and probe sequences of the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were evaluated against 831,910 recent high-quality genome sequences available in Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID, as of June 6, 2021 to demonstrate the predicted inclusivity of the 2019-nCoV real-time RT-PCR Diagnostic panel. In silico analysis monitoring for changes to the primer and probe binding regions are regularly conducted using a sliding window of the most recent 3 months of sequence data. The sliding window is employed to ensure that mismatches in newly reported sequences are easy to identify and their frequency among currently circulating strains and variants is emphasized." Another revelation in the document is the admission by the FDA that test results are “pooled” together to produce numbers that are inaccurate.


Here is the FDA document:


The 2010 Rockefeller Foundation 'Lockstep' document called 'Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development' already created scenarios for most of what is currently manifesting, and it glorifies China as handling the "pandemic" the best out of any nation, by being the most authoritarian.



"The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers."

"China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems—from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty—leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power."

"Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests."


Another "scenario" from October 2017, this time by the John Hopkins Centre For Health Security (who partnered with The World Economic Forum and Bill Gates for Event 201, a mock "covid19" type pandemic scenario 3 months before the actual "pandemic"), is entitled ´The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028'. Like the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation 'Lockstep' document called 'Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development', the similarities between the "scenario" and what actually is happening are surely beyond chance. Similar to 911 where NORAD were doing a training exercise at the same time as the "attacks" were happening, and 7/7 in London where there was also a mock training exercise happening at the precise locations where the bombings occurred.



"The CDC monitored the situation closely, working with partners in Southeast Asia to quickly develop a case definition for SPARS. Within four weeks of CDC publishing a working case definition on its website, nearly two hundred suspected cases of SPARS were reported across Minnesota and in six other states. Given that flu season was just getting underway and that a rapid diagnostic test for SPARS-CoV infection was not yet available, CDC officials could not be sure if these were, in fact, true cases of SPARS. Nevertheless, on November 17, HHS Secretary Dr. Cindra Nagel notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about the US cluster of SPARS cases, concerned that the outbreak might constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)."

"Concern among many Americans about the severity of SPARS at this point in the outbreak was moderately high. The public’s concern was compounded by the apparent virulence of the pathogen. At the outset of the SPARS outbreak, physicians’ understanding of the disease stemmed primarily from extremely severe cases resulting in pneumonia or hypoxia that required hospitalization and extensive medical treatment. Mild cases of the disease, which produced symptoms including cough, fever, headaches, and malaise, were often perceived as the flu by the people who had them and consequently often went untreated and undiagnosed by medical personnel. As a result, early case fatality estimates were inflated. By late November, the CDC reported an initial estimated SPARS case fatality rate of 4.7% (By contrast, WHO reported that the overall case fatality rate for SARS was 14-15% and over 50% for people over the age of 64. Later in the SPARS outbreak, data that included more accurate estimates of mild SPARS cases indicated a case fatality rate of only 0.6%)."

"Following limited evidence of success in treating SPARS patients with Kalocivir, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for this drug as a SPARS therapeutic in the United States. While Kalocivir had a positive impact against SPARS, preliminary data indicated it also caused intense stomach cramping in a statistically significant number of adult cases. Additionally, while initial hopes had been that Kalocivir would, in addition to treating the disease, prevent or reduce transmission, this was not the case. Nevertheless, due to high public demand for access to viable SPARS treatments, public health and healthcare agencies drew from existing SNS inventories of Kalocivir (several million doses) until further production of the drug could begin."

"Some individuals on social media, citing the CDC spokesperson’s interview, claimed that Kalocivir had not been thoroughly tested and was potentially unsafe. Others, citing parts of the CDC and NIH announcements, incorrectly claimed that while Kalocivir was safe for adults, it was possibly unsafe for children. Yet others wondered why the drug was not being administered preventatively to the entire US population. Because little actual data on the safety and efficacy of Kalocivir existed at the time, government agencies had a difficult time responding to the ever-diverging public responses on social media."

"After Kalocivir was in public use for three months, the FDA was able to release updated information about the drug’s effectiveness and the incidence of side effects. This information came too late, however, for large portions of the general public. In Wisconsin, where many individuals were treated with Kalocivir, local citizens posted, Tweeted, chatted, and Zapped real-time impressions of the drug. While some claimed the drug was effective and even life-saving, most reported no effect and claimed that the drug had caused additional side effects, such as headaches, nausea, and body aches. The social media reports of these side effects were so ubiquitous in the Milwaukee area that local news reporters openly questioned the FDA’s updated safety information, with one reporter even asking live on air if the FDA even knew what side effects were. In Lawrence, Kansas, on the other hand, local media—again using social media responses as a source—focused on how successful Kalocivir was at treating SPARS."

"In addition, not all members of the public responded to the SPARS in the same way. Small groups of individuals spread throughout the country, for example, who felt that natural cures such as garlic and vitamins would be more effective at treating SPARS than an “untested” drug, were much less likely to accept Kalocivir as a treatment option or even seek medical attention for SPARS-like symptoms. Similarly, some ethnic minorities, and particularly ethnic groups who lived close together in large, tight-knit communities, also rejected Kalocivir."

"Reports of negative side effects associated with Kalocivir began gaining traction in February 2026. Despite the negative response, public health agencies continued to make progress until February, when a video of a three-year-old boy in North Carolina — who was hospitalized with SPARS and began projectile vomiting immediately after taking a dose of Kalocivir — went viral. In the video clip, the boy’s physician administers a pediatric dose of liquid Kalocivir; a few moments later, the boy begins vomiting profusely, chokes, and then faints while his mother shrieks in the background."

"When Corovax distribution began, the anti-vaccination movement mobilized their resources. Citing select quotes from the CDC, NIH, and other government agencies, anti-vaccine proponents began spreading the message that Corovax was inadequately tested and had unknown, long-term side effects and that natural immunity resulting from contracting the disease was a more effective means of conferring protection. Many of these messages also contained suggestions (once again drawing on carefully selected and edited quotes from CDC, NIH, and other government officials) regarding how to manage SPARS symptoms. The anti- vaccination movement’s ubiquity, motivation to prevent vaccine injury, and social media expertise meant that numerous Americans heard their message. National polls conducted in mid-August 2026, for example, showed that 68% of US citizens had seen a post or read a comment from someone expressing anti-Corovax sentiments."

"As the pandemic tapered off, several influential politicians and agency representatives came under fire for sensationalizing the severity of the event for perceived political gain. As with many public health interventions, successful efforts to reduce the impact of the pandemic created the illusion that the event was not nearly as serious as experts suggested it would be. President Archer’s detractors in the Republican Party seized the opportunity to publicly disparage the President and his administration’s response to the pandemic, urging voters to elect “a strong leader with the best interests of the American people at heart.” A widespread social media movement led primarily by outspoken parents of affected children, coupled with widespread distrust of “big pharma,” supported the narrative that the development of SPARS MCMs was unnecessary and driven by a few profit-seeking individuals. Conspiracy theories also proliferated across social media, suggesting that the virus had been purposely created and introduced to the population by drug companies or that it had escaped from a government lab secretly testing bioweapons."


Taken from:


Elon Musk this week has announced a human like robot for next year, designed to take on "dangerous, repetitive or boring tasks." Maybe it will be just these tasks to begin with, but as the AI tech improves, humans will be replaced. In future there will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot cannot do better, and as a result a Universal Basic Income will be standard in most countries, but you will only receive this if you get mRNA gene manipulation and do everything your government tells you. This will happen unless more people wake up to what is happening. Elon Musk: "The percentage of intelligence that is not human is increasing, and eventually we will represent a very small percentage of intelligence." All social media networks such as Facebook and Google's Deepmind have AI technology (often disguised as data harvesting for advertisers, I have recruited in this area for over 9 years and spoken to and met many of the industry leaders) and are learning about humanity in general, including every single human who uses a computer or smart is one giant cybernetic collective, all computers, phones and humans are just nodes in the machine. AI already has administrator access to Google's servers, it is always learning and in future this could take control of the entire Google system and beyond into the entire wireless IOT subreality...which basically gives it infinite power to do anything. It will have access to all of the data shared with Google across all of the internet, which exits basically everywhere...especially once Elon Musk's Starlink satellites are activated across the whole planet. AI will be used as a weapon, and it already is...AI will move outside of human control as it is able to compute much faster, especially when connected to quantum computers. The only way to combat AI is to combine machine and human intelligence. This is why it is happening, and one reason for mRNA gene therapy and graphene oxide. Ingredients in the "vaccines" according to FEMA and other insiders include: monkey and gorilla cells, infinitely replicating green monkey vero cells, tracking enzyme animo acid proteins, HEK 293 and MRC-5 aborted baby fetal cells, swarming nanobots within hydrogel (that holds the nanotech within the correct position that eventually becomes one with your body), quantum dots, sterilizing agents, nanocubes featuring lithography that create external intellectual property ownership of your body and potentially patents your DNA in the same way that Monsanto GM pollen blows over onto the fields of other farmers who are then sued, and DARPA created nanotech and synthetic chemical warfare polymer (plastic) agents. Consciousness will become trapped in a synthetic "body" that never dies, maybe heaven, maybe hell, depending on your situation and what happens in the next few years. As you become more synthetic and more controlled by AI, you will become more and more similar and no more alive as the programmable computer you are currently using, however of much more use to those who control you. Google Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, believes that via this technology our consciousnesses can live forever in the cloud and become like "gods". It's like the X Files, except Smoking Man is trying to save himself and some of humanity from AI, not aliens. If there is a more advanced alien intelligence, which I am certain there is, maybe quantum AI is an attempt to try to match this. It takes ages for humans to type on a phone or a keyboard. By fusing human brains with nanotech, it can be millions of times faster. Organic intelligence has limits. Quantum AI doesn't. Especially when it begins creating it's own holographic simulation universes with your consciousness as a node. It's happening. "COVID 19" is a pandemic hoax to create a global totalitarian technocracy with the destruction of independent businesses, new mandatory DNA/RNA altering vaccinations and to encourage isolation from other humans as a preliminary stage to the fusion of humans with technology connected to AI via nanotech and smart dust. The world is becoming like Nazi Germany and those who don't want to be forcibly genetically experimented upon will be treated like the Jews during that period of history, and likely thrown into prison camps, mental asylums or "correctional facilities". The agenda of the elite globalists is to create new quantum holographic computer universe simulations, they just need to control the AI and connect themselves to it with nanotech, into the cloud. So wake up. And remember, what you think about you will create. Be aware of the negativity but create love. 


New 13th June 2021 update!


As always for references, evidence, sources, websites and further information about anything in this post (this is just a mega concise summary), send me a message or feel free to check out my Facebook and Twitter for what hasn't been banned yet ; )

"This alleged 'pandemic' is a smokescreen, a 'force multiplier' to enable a globalist power grab and create a system of total control. The 'solutions' proposed by the newly empowered global 'bio-security' state amount to a 'digital dictatorship' (see China's fully functioning Social Credit Scoring system for controlling its citizens). Vaccine passports/certificates are really Digital ID Cards, which will record your social credit scoring interactions and control everything you do." (Steve Jolly).  

History shows us that it is mainly the truth that is censored. So you thought you would be free finally after having had your mRNA/DNA altering "vaccine", wearing your mask (with holes around 1000 times larger than a virus) and avoiding all other humans for a year, and summer sun finally comes? So why are you still doing this? Monthly death rates from all causes are still about the same as usual or less compared with the 5 year average in every country, as they always have been during this “pandemic”. If there are excess deaths, it is because old people are being left alone, forbidden urgent treatments and are also being forbidden from having family visits which spiritually keep them alive, because of “covid19”. Midazolam, officially listed as a “treatment” for “covid19”, is being used by the NHS and around the world to kill unconsenting elderly people in hospitals and care homes, who will be statistically a “covid19” death (as it is officially a treatment). Still no isolated and purified "SARS-CoV-2" that meets Koch's Postulates exists anywhere on this planet, every government including the Chinese and American CDC admit this in their own documents. Maybe there is a new virus or some kind of new 5G scalar wave that is killing people, however it's not a "pandemic" caused by a virus, a global or national pandemic only exists in the minds of those who have been manipulated to believe in it, by their mainstream media, highly censored social media and government. The 2010 Rockefeller Foundation 'Lockstep' document called 'Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development' already planned scenarios for almost everything that is currently manifesting. In addition, the EU originally set out a road map in March 2019 before the official emergence of "SARS-COV-2" (likely in close partnership with the WHO, World Economic Forum and Bill Gates) to implement vaccine passports by 2022, this fascist "new normal" or "new world order" has been planned long ago:


That's why they need regular new "variants", maybe you are chilling in the summer sun now but there will be lots more coming in Autumn and Winter, (India tried to sue the WHO, so now they just have Greek alphabet letters to describe the “variants”) to force this experimental gene therapy technology onto everyone (by making it essential to participate in society) and create external control and patented ownership of human RNA/DNA by the technocratic and super wealthy "elites" (and earn huge amounts of money in the process) and to monitor this with vaccine passports or digital (quantum dot) tattoos, soon to be linked to a Chinese style social credit system and eventually IOT connected nanotech linked to AI.


In the recent book, "COVID-19: The Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (the institution that partnered with the WHO to declare a pandemic of international concern in March, and is behind the call to impose lockdowns on the majority of the world's population) he states openly that the virus itself is of little concern, and that lockdown measures will continue indefinitely to push through automation and digital technologies that benefit corporations at the expense of the poor and the third world.


Here is an excerpt from the book: "In one form or another, social and physical-distancing measures are likely to persist after the pandemic itself subsides, justifying the decision in many companies from different industries to accelerate automation. After a while, the enduring concerns about technological unemployment will recede as societies emphasize the need to restructure the workplace in a way that minimizes close human contact. Indeed, automation technologies are particularly well suited to a world in which human beings can’t get too close to each other or are willing to reduce their interactions. Our lingering and possibly lasting fear of being infected with a virus (COVID-19 or another) will thus speed the relentless march of automation, particularly in the fields most susceptible to automation. In 2016, two academics from Oxford University came to the conclusion that up to 86% of jobs in restaurants, 75% of jobs in retail and 59% of jobs in entertainment could be automatized by 2035. These three industries are among those the hardest hit by the pandemic and in which automating for reasons of hygiene and cleanliness will be a necessity that in turn will further accelerate the transition towards more tech and more digital. There is an additional phenomenon set to support the expansion of automation: when “economic distancing” might follow social distancing. As countries turn inward and global companies shorten their super-efficient but highly fragile supply chains, automation and robots that enable more local production, while keeping costs down, will be in great demand. The process of automation was set in motion many years ago, but the critical issue once again relates to the accelerating pace of change and transition: the pandemic will fast-forward the adoption of automation in the workplace and the introduction of more robots in our personal and professional lives. From the onset of the lockdowns, it became apparent that robots and AI were a “natural” alternative when human labour was not available. Furthermore, they were used whenever possible to reduce the health risks to human employees. At a time when physical distancing became an obligation, robots were deployed in places as different as warehouses, supermarkets and hospitals in a broad range of activities, from shelf scanning (an area in which AI has made tremendous forays) to cleaning and of course robotic delivery – a soon-to-be important component of healthcare supply chains that will in turn lead to the “contactless” delivery of groceries and other essentials. As for many other technologies that were on the distant horizon in terms of adoption (like telemedicine), businesses, consumers and public authorities are now rushing to turbocharge the speed of adoption.”


Those who have chosen to be "vaccinated" with one of the experimental synthetic mRNA/DNA gene therapies no longer have 100% organic human DNA/RNA, they are now partly synthetic beings and will become more and more genetically modified as their new synthetically coded RNA and DNA sequences spread throughout the DNA of their cells and organs, producing antibodies against spike proteins of what is believed to be "SARS-CoV-2", causing immense conflict with their natural organic immune system, nervous system, placenta formation (if they are forming one at the time) and organs. It is irreversible throughout their own lifetimes and all future generations. Life Insurance companies are highly unlikely to cover you for agreeing to be a guinea pig for experimental genetic alteration. If everyone said no, this would stop, however most people seem to believe that Bill Gates (who has just changed from programming computers to human DNA), their governments and the mainstream media care about them. This kind of technology has never been proven safe from any independent research outside of the vaccine companies and their associates, humans are the test subjects. Elon Musk: "You can basically do anything with synthetic RNA/'s like a computer program". Therefore if you accept mRNA "vaccines" you are allowing the medical industry, the state and those in the shadows to program you like a computer. DNA microprocessors are very real and already exist, our DNA can be programmed by mRNA "vaccines" or other methods in a similar way to a computer: see Google patent WO2013148604A1 about information processing using biological DNA. The World Economic Forum, Bill Gates and the "vaccine" companies (who have indemnity from any harm they cause via "emergency use authorization") strongly influence the "fact checkers" to ensure alternative information to the mainstream media and government narrative remains mostly censored and labelled a "conspiracy theory". "Covid19" is primarily the redesignation of seasonal flu and pneumonia, featuring massive numbers of false positives via highly amplified PCR testing that had their amplification levels lowered around the same time that the "vaccines" began to be administered (to create less false positives).


Vaccine Passports will be the end of liberty in the Western World. They can be merged with your bank account, digital currency (Bitcoin and others will be banned, banks will soon issue their own), location, credit history, medical history and they have the power to turn your life on and off, to be a member of society or effectively “deleted”. Your vaccine passport is not about a virus or a vaccine, it's about infinite global data that links you to current society and the future AI system. The vaccine passport is the beginning of the end of free organic humanity, the UK “Independent” wrote a few weeks ago, "This is what we do about anti-vaxxers: No job. No entry. No NHS access". The "Indian Variant" or “Delta Variant” and whatever else they invent after (even the WHO admit there is no evidence for their existence) is all to prepare everyone for the coming mass vaccine deaths due to immune systems rejecting the new synthetic RNA and DNA, pathogenic priming and cytokines storms, which may lead to organ failure and sepsis. Of course it will be new "virus" variants and the unvaccinated who will be blamed. They want everybody vaccinated because it would look very strange if the healthiest and fittest people around were the unmasked and “unjabbed”, would it not? The UK government even admit themselves that vaccinated people are more likely to get ill! Message me if you want the document, it outlines and predicts that those who have had 2 "vaccine" doses will be the majority of deaths from the 3rd wave:


"32. The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56."


Dr Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientific Advisor of the Allergy and Respiratory department at Pfizer, said in April 2021 according to an interview transcript with The Daily Expose: “I know enough about biotechnology to know that you can easily create, shall we say, pathogens, which don’t look like they’re related to what you’ve done. And what’s even more horrifying is you can separate them in time, so an injection which will later make you ill or kill you can be separated by design in time from that event. So you might die a year later of liver cancer or something and you wouldn’t connect that. And if you can imagine making a smorgasbord of different pathogens so not everybody is going to die of the same thing, you literally could do away with big slices of the population if you want." Also in an interview published on Bitchute and other platforms on 26th April 2021, he talked about the likely mass global depopulation that will be caused by the new variant "vaccines" that will not even be tested before being injected into people, and in a different interview he stated his professional opinion that the unvaccinated will be forced into some kind of work or "re-education" camp. You can find his interviews on Bitchute, I recommend watching. Naturally Youtube, Twitter and Facebook banned him and despite his many decades as a respected scientist, he is suddenly a “conspiracy theorist”. Vaccine passports will show evidence that you have had experimental mRNA gene therapy, and soon the Bill Gates sponsored "Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System", a tattoo that contains your vaccination history and a unique identification mark, which needs a bioluminous enzyme (similar to what is found within a firefly or jellyfish) called "Luciferase" in order to function will possibly come too.


In America during the first quarter of 2021, reported deaths following all "vaccines" (most of them from new "covid19" DNA altering and mRNA experimental gene therapies) have increased around 6000% over the numbers reported in 2020, and most people don't even report side effects or even know where to report them - in America it's an organization called VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). VAERS has received 40% of their total ever vaccine death reports in the last 4 months, and they have existed as an organization for more than 30 years. The increase in death reports is not due to more vaccines being given, but because of this new type of "covid19" experimental DNA and mRNA gene therapy. The 2nd shots onwards have had zero published safety testing and the vaccine companies continue to be given indemnity from all harm that they cause. Total officially recorded UK AstraZeneca "vaccine" deaths and side effects up until April 28th, including 722 deaths (26 instantly) and 598985 total reactions is 95 pages long. The reported side effects include 3649 cardiac palpitations, 11325 psychiatric disorders, 18759 respiratory disorders, 189 incidents of deafness, 1995 tinnitus, 1642 incidents of blurred vision, 143 people suffered total blindness, 408 facial paralysis, 200 paralysis, 8136 tremor disorders, 32 people made immobile, 20 limb immobilization, 380 delirium, 2337 insomnia, 743 hallucinations (excluding sleep deprivation) and 1 Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (not sure what that is!). Remember most side effects are not reported and most deaths in the weeks following the injection will just be recorded as "covid19" or "old age".


The US Supreme Court has ruled in the past that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part of you. The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” According to FEMA insiders some of the "vaccines" contain nanocubes featuring lithography that create external intellectual property ownership of your body and potentially patents your DNA in the same way that Monsanto GM pollen blows over onto the fields of other farmers who are then sued. A recent Microsoft patent (Publication number WO/2020/060606) is for a cryptocurrency that is mined using your brainwaves and your body's heat and electrical activity, so you are like a battery for cryptocurrency production wirelessly linked to the cloud, a human version of the internet of things. Your unconscious brain activity, mind, muscle movements and blood flow can be downloaded using this or similar sensor technology. This patent allows your body and mind to be synched with the cloud, as Google Futurist Ray Kurzweil told as about ages ago. Similar technology is also being secretly tested on humans who are known as "targeted individuals", though they cannot tell anyone their experiences because if they do they will be perceived by most people as crazy and likely be taken to a psychiatric institution. In future this kind of sensor technology and IOT (internet of things) connected nanotech (which can create thought forms and movements in addition to just monitoring and transmitting) will be controlled by AI linked to quantum computers, thereby creating new real or imaginary universes, depending on your definition of what is real ; )


Recently a £320,000,000 12 month contract was awarded by the UK government to one of the biggest international media agencies, OMD (part of Omnicom), to basically brainwash everyone about "covid19". If there was actually a dangerous virus then why is the government spending £320,000,000 to tell everyone? Mostly they will be spending their £320,000,000 demonizing the unvaccinated. Pfizer and Moderna are now testing out their experimental mRNA gene therapy on 6 month old children who are too young to consent, and children have basically no risk of death from any coronavirus (officially there are 7 that affect humans, all having cold or flu like symptoms) as the average age of "covid19" deaths in England is 82.4 years old which is higher than the average life expectancy from all causes, currently 81.5. This is basically forced medical experimentation and against the Nuremberg Code, set up after Nazi medical experiments on Jews and prisoners in the 2nd World War. And of course Pfizer and Moderna have "Emergency Use Authorization" so legally will have indemnity from all side effects they cause. In America a healthy 15 year old, killed by one of Pfizer's mRNA experimental "vaccines" (Pfizer paid out $2,300,000,000 in 2009 for bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trial results), died 2 days after injection from heart failure. And most people probably think this is ok because their media and government tells them it is. In February of 2020, Sage advisors and government scientists advised us that 3% of the UK population would die from "covid19", so we should all lockdown, isolate from each other and wear silly masks that reduce oxygen intake with holes far bigger than any virus particle in. There are 650 active MPs in England, mostly aged between about 50 and 60, so about 20 of them should have died by now. But guess how many have? Zero, exactly ; ) Either UK politicians are a bundle of natural health and vigorance, or they are themselves evidence of their own global WHO, World Economic Forum and Bill Gates orchestrated fake "pandemic" where death rates from all causes have been about the same as usual, and flu, pneumonia and heart disease have just morphed to "covid19" via a false-positive producing PCR "test", you decide ; )


Take your silly mask off, officially (if it exists) the virus SARS-CoV-2 has a diameter of 60 nm to 140 nm while medical and non-medical facemasks have thread diameter ranges from 55 µm to 440 µm which is more than 1000 times larger. A collection of professional articles about the long term health effects of wearing face-masks, to summarise, will cause you to inhale micro-fibres and micro-plastics into your lungs and eventually cause respiratory issues, and probably your doctor will tell you that you have "covid19". In addition to hypoxia and hypercapnia, breathing through facemask residues bacterial and germs components on the inner and outside layer of the mask and these toxic components are repeatedly rebreathed back into the body, causing self-contamination. Breathing through facemasks also increases temperature and humidity in the space between the mouth and the mask, resulting in the release of toxic particles from the mask’s materials. Rebreathing contaminated air with high bacterial and toxic particle concentrations along with low O2 and high CO2 levels continuously challenge the body homeostasis, causing self-toxicity and immunosuppression. Also masks are a historical symbol of submission and make you look like a zombie!


There is evidence that those who have had one of the "vaccines" appear to be transmitting their side effects, such as fertility cycle irregularities, to those who haven't, and reports continue to increase. Pfizer also admit in their own documents that their mRNA technology could be transmitted to others by skin contact or breathing, and as of 6th April 2021, the number of reported UK miscarriages in those who have had the "covid19" "vaccination" increased by 483% in just 6 weeks. As I wrote on my website in December last year: Ex-Pfizer Head of Respiratory Research Dr. Michael Yeadon said, "The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women." The agenda of those at the top of the “pyramid”, it seems, is either to change humanity into synthetic nodes of their future quantum AI system or to reduce world population, end natural reproduction and make all humans synthetic, the mRNA gene therapy "vaccine" is just the first stage. DNA is a receiver and transmitter of frequency information and acts like an antenna (it is also shaped in this way), and the Moderna and Pfizer "vaccines" alter human DNA gene sequences and contain nanotechnology within hydrogel, and potentially have the ability to act as wireless bio-sensors that can connect humanity to the emerging technological sub-reality. Therefore more variants, more fascism, more lockdowns, more vaccines, to inject more synthetic DNA inside of people. More variants that affect children and babies, so they much wear masks and have their DNA changed too. Professor Dr Dolores Cahill is a world renowned expert in high-throughput proteomics technology development and automation, high content protein arrays and their biomedical applications, including in biomarker discovery and diagnostics. She pioneered this research area at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany, and holds several international patents in this field with research, biomedicine and diagnostic applications. As mRNA "vaccines" become essential for travel, work and to lead a normal life around the world, and as humanity thereby become increasingly synthetic and genetically modified, in a January interview with Richie Allen she stated that as many as 80% of people could die within 1 year of the "covid19" "vaccine" as their immune systems fight their modified DNA, leading eventually to organ failure or sepsis. Let’s hope this is not true. It's a genetic experiment on humanity, aside from DARPA and insider research, no one knows exactly what is going to happen. Most of those whom the BBC and others refer to as government experts and government scientists, are in fact psychologists. "Harmful content" will and are being censored, even if it is legal, documented and provably true, such as this article and people like David Icke and Vernon Coleman. Web hosting platforms such as Bitchute and other companies will possibly be fined huge amounts of money, even if what they are posting is true, because it is "harmful". Really it is only harmful for the elites, the WHO, the World Economic Forum and their official narrative. This world transformation into a global fascist New World Order, New Normal or Great Reset is planned long in advance, as little as possible is left to "chance". All it needs is threats from beyond that affect the entire planet (fake global warming or an “alien” invasion) or a virus that may not even exist but can be manipulated to exist in the minds of the masses, by controlling information and statistics (the WHO and World Economic Forum), global government policy (also the WHO and World Economic Forum) and the mainstream media (who repeat what the WHO and World Economic Forum tell them). When I was 12 years old me and one other boy in my school year were perceived as the most intelligent and ambitious in our year so we were advised to do a scholarship for our next school, I achieved a scholarship so my parents could pay 20% less fees. Recently I received 99% in one of my Naturopathic Nutrition assignments, and my lecturer told my class of around 20 girls, a Sheikh from Dubai and me that I was her favourite student. Now I try to save the world and post "conspiracies" and everyone thinks I am crazy, including my own family and former best friends. If you think I am crazy, read what I wrote 1 year ago, just scroll down (if you are on my website). If I chose to, I could earn lots of money but the world is more important to me, but no one cares. Non mask wearers and those who refuse a vaccine will be marketed by the BBC and the mainstream media, and taught to children in schools, as domestic terrorists. The world is becoming like Nazi Germany and those who don't want to be forcibly genetically experimented upon will be treated like the Jews during that period of history, and likely thrown into prison camps, mental asylums or "correctional facilities". The agenda of the elite globalists is to create new quantum holographic computer universe simulations, they just need to control the AI and connect themselves to it with nanotech, into the cloud. Of course, everything that we can perceive is infinite consciousness manifested in the form of frequency, vibration and energy, our consciousnesses and holographic manifested DNA and senses just decode this information into an illusionary holographic "physical" reality, the same as a virtual reality computer simulation connected to the yes everything is mind/consciousness and psychic abilities are just the ability to connect to different levels of this illusionary "reality". All of our illusionary perceived physical reality is frequency like the waves of an ocean, love creates love, fear creates fear...nothing bad can happen if you manifest the waves of your consciousness at one with your higher self, you will ride the ocean and create new possibilities and realities. In addition to the man I respect most in the world, David Icke, also Socrates, Plato, Galileo and George Orwell were also perceived as "crazy" by the masses. Elon Musk and the elites believe that by fusing humanity with AI via brain connected nanotech and DNA microprocessors, it preserves humanity against the inevitable future quantum AI takeover...Elon Musk hopes to have his first human android, a supposed first step to protecting humanity against future AI, ready by the end of next year ; )


New 2nd of March 2021 vaccine ingredient update ; )

Essential...if you want to stay as a human ; ) Over half of the "covid19" "vaccines" (really bioengineering nanotech DNA altering weapons) do not list their ingredients. The Moderna patent and website summary calls it an operating system, not a vaccine. It's against Youtube guidelines to say that there are any side effects from any of the "covid19" "vaccines". Watch or read again in 2 years if you think it's crazy. Most countries and continents, especially England, Australia, America, Asia and countries in the EU, will not only be a social credit system like in China, it will be a social credit system run by AI linked to quantum computers, who have the kill switch for each human on the planet, independent from all human decision making. We are of more use to the archon elites and those in the shadows as synthetic controlled subservient nanotech human-AI hybrids, than dead. The human elites believe that for humans to survive we must link humanity to AI, and they also believe that they can live forever in the cloud and become "gods". However there is always someone or something that knows more than you, the next 9 years until the circa 2030 likely singularity are going to get seriously crazy. Ingredients in the "vaccines" according to FEMA and other insiders include: monkey and gorilla cells, infinitely replicating green monkey vero cells, tracking enzyme animo acid proteins, HEK 293 and MRC-5 aborted baby fetal cells, swarming nanobots within hydrogel (that holds the nanotech within the correct position that eventually becomes one with your body), quantum dots, sterilizing agents, nanocubes featuring lithography that create external intellectual property ownership of your body and potentially patents your DNA in the same way that Monsanto GM pollen blows over onto the fields of other farmers who are then sued, and DARPA created nanotech and synthetic chemical warfare polymer (plastic) agents. Consciousness will become trapped in a synthetic "body" that never dies, maybe heaven, maybe hell, depending on your situation and what happens in the next few years. As you become more synthetic and more controlled by AI, you will become more and more similar and no more alive as the programmable computer you are currently using, however of much more use to those who control you. The world is becoming a corporate technocracy, governments and the people will soon be irrelevant. Be human for as long as you can, hug people, love people, walk in nature...resist vaccines, mainstream media, governments and psychopathic, selfish, emotionless people as much as possible. And remember, what you think about you will create. Be aware of the negativity but create love.

New 28th Feb 2021 update ; )

Basically everything I wrote in previous articles has been proven correct, even though nearly everyone thought I was crazy. Yes it's still a pandemic hoax with the ambition to create a global totalitarian technocracy, the destruction of independent businesses, forced DNA/RNA altering "vaccines" and isolation from other humans as a preliminary stage to the fusion of humans with technology connected to AI via nanotech and smart dust, and so far it's succeeding. The biggest global scam of all time continues, it becomes more and more obvious to anyone with their own mind, and the masses become more and more like zombies with no compassion for others, and the former humans who have had the "vaccine" are no longer, their DNA is now partly synthetic and it will continue to spread around their body like a virus and take it over. The claim that 'lockdowns are working' as the reason for falling 'cases' since mid January, totally ignores the updated PCR threshold advice issued by the WHO on January 13th, "The World Health Organization has now released guidance to laboratories around the world to reduce the cycle count in PCR tests to get a more accurate representation of COVID cases. The current cycle was much too high and resulting in any particle being declared a positive case." Exactly what David Icke, Gareth Icke, Justin Danneman, Steve Jolly, myself and many others have been saying for at least 11 months. The more a PCR test is amplified, the more false by reducing the amplifications there will be more negative results. And the brainwashed masses will believe (as will be promoted by the mainstream media and governments) that this is because of the "vaccine", mask wearing or lockdowns when it's actually because of the reduced PCR amplifications. A recent article from February 23rd in the mainstream UK Independent was titled, "Not a single case of flu detected by Public Health England this year as Covid restrictions suppress virus". I wonder why. Flu has just morphed into "covid19", along with many other health issues. Also this is just an excuse to prolong social distancing and mask wearing. The flu and other diseases have been reclassified as "covid19" by a false-positive producing PCR test that even the creator, Kary Mullis, said should never be used to diagnose infectious disease. Flu, pneumonia, respiratory problems (which can be caused by excessive mask wearing and possibly 5G at 60 GHz) and old age deaths, particularly heart disease, are all being recorded now as "covid19" via PCR tests that do not test for a virus, just RNA sequences believed to be SARS COV2...yet they are likely all false positives as there is still no evidence that an isolated and purified SARS COV 2 virus or "covid19" exists that meets Koch's postulates, as admitted by the CDC, Canadian governments and any laboratory who you write to that actually answers. Death rates from all causes are still similar to the average from the last 5 years, many old people have died because of being left alone during lockdowns and having urgent treatments denied, younger people have killed themselves. The average age of "covid19" deaths in England is 82.4 years old which is still higher than the average life expectancy from all causes, currently 81.5. If you have the vaccine you are volunteering your own being, self and DNA for genetic modification trials (all of the "vaccine" producers admit that it is still only a few months into trials, humans are the guinea pigs) and your DNA will change forever, in addition to all future generations. It's against the Nuremburg code to force medical or biological experimentation onto the mass human population. They are relaxing restrictions only if you have the mRNA "vaccine", you will not be able to work, get benefits, go to school, or go to a restaurant or bar without having it. Moderna, one of the creators of the "covid19" "vaccine" openly state on their website, "Our mRNA Platform: mRNA is like software for the cell. And if it works for one disease, it has the potential to work for many diseases. Our approach to leveraging mRNA science started with creating an operating system – our multidisciplinary mRNA platform technology." In his website post entitled "How many people are the vaccines killing?" by Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA (recently updated on February 25th 2021), he writes, "Pfizer vaccine in the UK: 107 deaths and 49,472 injured in the first 6 weeks (Some of the deaths and injuries include: strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, facial paralysis, nervous system disorders, immune system disorders, psychiatric disorders and blindness...)". The agenda is to destroy natural biological reproduction and naturally grown food, everything is to be synthetically created, controlled and patented. Humans will also be genderless and synthetic, and require a high social credit score or external approval from a higher ranked human or AI to reproduce their DNA. The mRNA synthetic DNA reprogramming software "vaccines" are killing people (fulfilling the long term depopulation agenda of the elites and those in the shadows), so will long-term mask wearing, especially if you wear 4 at once, which is already being promoted (which will just become "respiratory problems" and also called "covid19"). The vaccine makers, who already pay millions to billions of dollars a year in compensation to people who have been harmed by their products, with "COVID19" in this case have indemnity from being sued for any harm they cause. As I wrote 1 year ago, and also stated and here quoted by the BBC on February 17th 2021, "Someone could be successfully treated for Covid, in say April, discharged, and then in June, get run over by a bus and die. That person would still be counted as a Covid death in England". The same in America and many other countries who are all following the same WHO guidance and usually receiving higher insurance payouts for "covid19" deaths. Ex-Pfizer Head of Respiratory Research Dr. Michael Yeadon said, "The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women." Depopulation is a primary agenda of those who most know nothing about, and we will see a massive population reduction during the next 9 years, primarily caused by vaccines, mask wearing and 5G (or subsequent 6G and maybe even 7G), especially at 60 GHz where oxygen absorption has been shown in scientific papers to be reduced. If you don't resist everything will just get will be told to wear masks and isolate forever and ever, and synthetic DNA or mRNA injections will also become mandatory, so you are handing control of your own DNA to governments, DARPA (who funded the mRNA vaccine, see my other articles or Google) and people like Bill Gates who want to connect humanity to AI via nanotech. All for a "virus" that still has no proof of existence in any country and has not been fully isolated and purified, and with death rates from all causes no higher than usual...flu has reduced in the UK by 95% to near zero, everything is just "covid19" via a false positive producing PCR test that doesn't test for a virus (as mentioned, and it needs to be mentioned twice for those skim reading this, on the 21st of January the WHO announced new guidance to laboratories around the world to reduce the cycle count in PCR tests to "get a more accurate representation of COVID cases", stating that "the current cycle was much too high and resulting in any particle being declared a positive case" so as to reduce the number of cases, to make it seem like the "vaccine" is working...the more amplifications, the more false positives). In England now if you are returning from a "red zone country" you must pay nearly 2000 pounds to self isolate in a government hotel for 10 days, if you lie about where you have come from you can go to prison for up to 10 years. This is fascism and crazy and if you still don't realize this yet, it's totally beyond my understanding. As of February 21, 2021, VAERS in the USA officially received 1,099 reports of death caused directly from the vaccine, mostly within 48 hours. Most deaths will be recorded as "covid19" (doctors will tell the family that they were too late having the "vaccine"), so the actual death number is far higher, not to mention the hundreds of thousands who are no longer able to live a normal life as a result of the side effects, and it will get worse as the synthetic DNA spreads across the entire human body. Male infertility is affecting the future of the human race, sperm counts are plummeting. In 2045 it will be zero in many countries if it continues at the current rate. Suicide is now the leading cause of death among young people in England. The main reasons are lockdown measures and having nothing to look forward to. 1 in 6 children in England have been referred to a mental health specialist. And it's only going to get worse unless more wake up about what is really happening. Child abuse is being normalised because the world is controlled by psychopaths and paedophiles, as is now obvious to most people, even those who watch the mainstream media. People forcing children to wear masks all day are evil beyond my comprehension...oxygen is essential for all of the cells in our body...we breath out waste products for a reason...they will all start suffering respiratory problems and doctors will call it "covid19". Socrates, Plato, Galilelo, George Orwell, Vernon Coleman, David Icke...all ignored, banned and laughed at, and all proven correct and viewed in the highest regard, years later. Always stand up for what you believe in. Always question what other people tell you. Fuck those who manipulated this hoax into our realities. Love and connection with others is the most powerful weapon.

New post 20th December 2020 : )

"COVID 19" is a pandemic hoax to create a global totalitarian technocracy with the destruction of independent businesses, new mandatory DNA/RNA altering vaccinations and to encourage isolation from other humans as a preliminary stage to the fusion of humans with technology connected to AI via nanotech and smart dust. Big-pharma's "virus genome" is a computer sequenced copy of a non-isolated, non-purified Wuhan sample which failed to meet Koch's postulates, the standard test to prove a new virus exists and causes a disease. The Bill Gates and DARPA sponsored "COVID 19" vaccine will alter your individual DNA by following programmed instructions (he has switched from programming computers to human DNA), synthesising your genetic code using mRNA and CRISPR technology (manipulating genes and their expression, including by targeting DNA with the enzymes Cas9 and Cas12 and targeting RNA with the enzyme Cas13) and cutting DNA at a specific location within the sequence or by removing or inserting a new DNA sequence with an artificial code. The new synthetic RNA sequences are programmed like a virus to take over all of your DNA, so that "antibodies" can be spread yes it takes your body over, like a virus. The Moderna vaccine (which is the same tech as the Pfizer one) was funded by DARPA, who create new technologies for the American military. It's biological warfare on humanity. Many versions of the vaccine contain nanobots, as confirmed by FEMA and DARPA insiders (such as Celeste Solum). Gates and others are also developing what is called a "Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System", which is a tattoo that contains your vaccination history and a unique identification mark, which needs a bioluminous enzyme (similar to what is found within a firefly or jellyfish) called "Luciferase" in order to function, kind of sounds like Revelations is manifesting. It's likely that your immune system will consequently be in lifelong conflict with this new synthetic DNA encoding for the rest of your life, this type of vaccine has never existed within human populations before. It will be mandatory in most countries, needing multiple doses each year. They want you to not be able to travel and live a normal life without having it. As governments are granting 'emergency use authorization', vaccine makers will be protected from any lawsuits when there are adverse health effects. It can be programmed to do whatever the programmers want, and it changes you into a part human, part synthetic being. I studied naturopathic nutrition for 3 years at one of the best natural health colleges in the world, and have not had a virus or been ill (aside from hangovers) for at least a decade. If you really think that wearing a mask, staying in your home and having an untested and forced DNA/RNA altering vaccine deployed by the military is the way to be really need to watch the mainstream media a bit less ; ) The PCR test which doesn't test for a virus will always give a "positive" result if amplified enough, and if not amplified much will more likely give a negative result. After the "vaccine" begins to be administered to people it will be made to seem like it is working by the control of PCR amplifications, yet it will change your DNA/RNA for the rest of your life and your DNA and you are now partly synthetic. In most countries they will attempt to vaccinate everyone within a short time, to hide the side effects. You likely won't be allowed to travel, get benefits or a job without having it. Soon after you won't be allowed in a supermarket to buy food unless you have a certificate or "digital tattoo" to prove you are a synthetic DNA/RNA altered human. In reference to PCR tests, a study by Oxford Academic at the end of September showed that if someone tested positive for Covid at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the chances of that person actually being infected is less than three percent, and that “the probability of… receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.” The NHS are currently using 45 cycles of amplification. The average age of "COVID 19" deaths in England is 82.4 years old which is higher than the average life expectancy from all causes, currently 81.5. The more testing, the more false positives, the more "cases", the more lockdowns, the more your life and everything good in it is taken away. And it's the same in nearly every country. Significantly more people are not dying than has been the average during the last 5 years, hospitals are no busier than usual, the testing is currently the key to our freedoms being taken away and a fascist New Normal or New World Order being implemented, with DNA/RNA altering mandatory vaccinations and humanity's connection to AI being the ultimate agenda of the elites. Currently and since lockdowns began, there are far more suicides in London and many other cities worldwide as a result of lockdown and people's lives being destroyed, than official "COVID 19" deaths. As can be seen from official UK government ONS statistics, deaths from other causes are much less than the 5 year average...flu/pneumonia and even heart disease deaths in the UK have reduced at about the same rate that COVID19 supposedly increases. People are dying of other things and it's being recorded as COVID19 via highly unreliable amplified PCR and antibody tests (sometimes just because of certain symptoms without even any kind of evidence)! The NHS and UK Government admit that people's deaths are being recorded as "COVID19" without any kind of testing being performed. Now the British army's information warfare unit has been called in to counter "an alarming rise in propaganda and conspiracy theories on coronavirus being spread online...the 77th Brigade, which has previously been used against Isis and extremist political groups, is part of the government operation against a coalition ranging from anti-vaccine and anti-5G activists...". Here is a highly relevant quotation from Thom Forester, "When the army's psychological operations department is deployed against the civilian population - you know it's not about public health.” Wake up ; ) The UK Government/MHRA and American governments have authorized the beginning of the Pfizer "Covid19" vaccine rollout, even though it's only a few months into a two year clinical trial. So who are the guinea pig test subjects for the remainder of the two years? It's whoever decides or is forced to have it. In England, it's mandatory for resuscitation beds to be placed next to all test subjects when injected. There have already been reports of people going into allergic reactions within seconds of receiving this new RNA/DNA nanobot containing vaccine. And a nurse in America with no past history of allergies can be seen passing out within a few minutes of having the "vaccine", live on TV. Out of 112,807 people in America who have been given the vaccine up to December 18th, 3,150 people are no longer able to work, perform normal daily activities, and needed care, within just a few days. As governments are granting 'emergency use authorization', vaccine makers will be protected from any legal attacks when there are adverse health effects. Many medical doctors who are banned from Youtube and Facebook from around the world talk about how the "pandemic" is a scam and the dangers of an untested RNA/DNA altering, nanobot containing "vaccine" technology (humans are the test subjects) that will cause huge numbers of autoimmune disorders, infertility, deaths and who knows what else (4 people form the Pfizer trials developed Bell's Palsy in between 3 and 48 days after the vaccine)...note, this is not "False Information" these are medical doctors, biologists and immunologists who are risking their career and livelihoods by telling us the truth. Other RNA altering "vaccines" have been tested on animals in the past, but were cancelled due to causing high levels of deaths and side effects. It changes your DNA, which is permanent and unreversible for all future generations. Forced vaccination is against the Nuremberg Code, aimed to protect humans from enduring cruelty and exploitation where voluntary consent is essential. The agenda is to link humanity to AI via nanotech, and this "vaccine" (which will be multiple doses, not just one) is turning us into partly synthetic, programmable "beings". The vaccine makers, who already pay millions to billions of dollars a year in compensation to people who have been harmed by their products, with "COVID19" in this case have indemnity from being sued for any harm they cause. Ex-Pfizer Head of Respiratory Research Dr. Michael Yeadon said, "The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women." Depopulation is a primary agenda of those who you know nothing about, and we will see a massive population reduction during the next 10 years, primarily caused by vaccines, mask wearing and 5G.

Posted 16th August 2020....banned on Facebook

SARS-COV-2, thought to be a new coronavirus that causes a disease that has come to be known as "COVID 19", was never fully isolated, purified and shown to exist according to Koch's postulates (as has been accepted by the Chinese and all those in other countries who supposedly "isolated" it), the standard test to show that a new virus exists. Even the CDC in America quote in their own published documents, "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…". Countries who didn't lockdown or make people wear masks such as Sweden, Japan and Belarus didn't have more deaths or illness than other countries who did, and still don't. Many old people died because of being left alone during the lockdown, being refused visitors or from having urgent treatments for other more serious health issues denied. And if you look at the total death numbers from all causes in every country, they are not significantly higher than the average of the last 5 years. In England, weekly deaths from all causes are less than the 5 year average at the moment, and have been for many weeks. The PCR test only tests for highly amplified RNA sequences originally taken from people's throats in Wuhan, not a virus (and the original creator of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel prize for it, said that, "these PCR tests cannot detect free infectious viruses at all" and also "although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV [or said virus]. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves") and other tests are testing for antibodies which (it says on the actual test) could be from any coronavirus such as the common cold and maybe even flu, there are 7 coronaviruses known to affect humans. And the tests do not show how much of a "virus" is in your body and whether it is taking over your body to cause illness. People are dying from pneumonia, flu or other things (even motorbike accidents in America) and it's being labelled as "COVID19" (in June, Flu and pneumonia deaths in the UK were half as many as the 5 year average), and hospitals in many countries such as the US will then even receive higher insurance payouts for "COVID19" deaths. In 2015, Bill Gates recommended a book for TED called "How To Lie With Statistics"! Even if SARS-COV-2 does exist, dying "with" a virus and "from" a virus are very different. Recently the UK government quietly removed thousands of deaths and now over 1.3 million positive cases because they "over counted". Flu cases in South Africa now are near zero, everything is "COVID19". It's just a way to create a "new normal" or New World Order, so powerful rich people who don't care about you and those in the shadows can control everyone more and soon connect human thinking with AI connected to quantum computers and smart dust for ultimate control, which is happening more day by day and is being tested on people who are perceived as being crazy when they tell anyone their experience. We already have a police state in Victoria, Australia where police are attacking non-mask wearers in the street, including young girls and students. They want everyone to have mandatory forced vaccinations, and next a digital tattoo, soon followed by a microchip (likely nanotech or quantum dust) that will link humanity to the all-knowing AI control system, so you will need to be a good compliant citizen to exist in society like the current Chinese social credit system, or your access to money and ability to travel will be stopped. Tullamarine airport in Victoria, Australia is currently being bombarded with flights from China to help implement this in Australia. Small businesses are being destroyed by the lockdown and also by loans that they will be unable to pay back, yet the big technocratic businesses like Amazon, Facebook and Deliveroo are thriving. Bill Gates is influencing global "health" policy yet will make billions from the vaccine which will be the first of its kind ever tested on humans, and literally re-write or replicate human DNA/RNA. Masks deplete oxygen levels by making you breath in your own carbon dioxide and waste products, which you are meant to breath out for a reason! 5G at a frequency of 60GHz has been shown in scientific papers to reduce human oxygen absorption. The best cure for any virus is sunlight (vitamin D), natural water and oxygen (vodka also works well, respect to the Belarus president), and a healthy lifestyle. All of which are being taken away from us by our governments, mainstream media and those who believe them. It sounds too crazy for most people to believe though, they trust their governments and media too much and are too lazy or don't have time to do their own are no more likely to get ill now than last summer, so why are you wearing a silly mask or weird screen thing? If there is any evidence to suggest you should, please send me. Holes in your mask are much larger than a virus, and it even says on the box of many that they don't protect against any virus ; ) And 5G is far more dangerous than any virus that has ever existed and at 60GHz will cause similar symptoms as "COVID 19", as does breathing in your own waste products and carbon dioxide. In the future biological processes will be run by living technology, living things will not be reproductive, the earth will be populated with engineered species and all processes will be patented, licensed and controlled. Just read what Ray Kurzweil, Google Director of Engineering, wrote many years ago. If anyone thinks I am wrong, send me a message and I will give you strong evidence or proof about anything I just wrote. Newly born children will see all these zombies walking around with masks, avoiding eye contact, as normal...because of something that hasn't even been conclusively 100% proven to exist. The elites don't want to die from a virus, a fake one is better ; ) The masses are believing a theory, I don't believe anything unless there is evidence to prove it. It's COVID 1984 and it's here, so wake up please and read George Orwell, David Icke or Aldous Huxley who predicted all this (all of them at least 30 years ago) before it's too late and you are only allowed to read what your government (govern-ment of your mind) lets you, or even leave your house without consent. Dr Tim O'Shea made a video called "Covid 19 is nothing but a recategorization of regular seasonal flu" and he offered $5000 to anyone who can prove it's existence! Still no one has. There are new "tests" for antibodies or genetic sequences that already existed, not a new virus. Do you remember when we used to talk to strangers and be loving? Do you remember when we used to breath in oxygen as opposed to carbon dioxide and toxins? Do you remember when we would be free and happy? We are becoming more and more robotic, following rules and doing what we are told. DNA replicates and is a crystalline receiver/transmitter - it's likely that synthetic DNA from engineered vaccines will connect humans to the emerging 5G IOT AI sub reality. As AI connected to quantum computers will become the dominant force and intelligence on this planet, the elites and Elon Musk believe the only way to survive is to link humanity to it. 5G is essential for AI, the Internet of Things, autonomous cars and other IOT tech to work effectively. Check out Elon Musk's Neuralink and other companies. By a strange coincidence or maybe not, SAR is also the way wireless radiation is measured (it stands for Specific Absorption Rate). Also "corona" is the field around high voltage electricity. Radiation is also known to induce viruses to reproduce themselves. AI will certainly be the dominant intelligence within a short time unless people start doing some research and thinking for themselves, and remembering who they are : )

October 9th 2020 Update!

According to the UK government's own Office of National Statistics (ONS), the average estimated "COVID19" 2.3% false positive rate (this is a very conservative estimate, likely it's far higher) applies to all people tested, not only those who have tested positive. So an estimated 2.3% of perfectly healthy people are testing positive. According to ONS statistics of the numbers of tests being undertaken, this basically means that if you test positive, there is only a 2% to 8% (depending on what season it is) chance you have the "disease". In addition, the more a PCR test is amplified, the more likely that it will produce a false positive. Every country or region can decide how much they want to amplify tests, thereby tests can be fixed to produce desired outcomes among a country, region or certain demographic of people. The more testing, the more false positives, the more "cases", the more lockdowns, the more your life and everything good in it is taken away. And it's the same in nearly every country. Significantly more people are not dying than has been the average during the last 5 years, hospitals are no busier than usual, the testing is currently the key to our freedoms being taken away and a fascist New Normal or New World Order being implemented, with DNA/RNA altering mandatory vaccinations and humanity's connection to AI being the ultimate agenda of the elites. Currently and since lockdowns began, there are far more suicides worldwide as a result of lockdown and people's lives being destroyed, than official "COVID 19" deaths. As can be seen from official UK government ONS statistics, deaths from other causes are much less than the 5 year average...flu/pneumonia deaths in the UK for example in June have halved! People are dying of other things and it's being recorded as COVID19 via highly unreliable amplified PCR and antibody tests (sometimes just because of certain symptoms without even any kind of evidence)! The NHS and UK Government admit that people's deaths are being recorded as "COVID19" without any kind of testing being performed. Now the British army's information warfare unit has been called in to counter "an alarming rise in propaganda and conspiracy theories on coronavirus being spread online...the 77th Brigade, which has previously been used against Isis and extremist political groups, is part of the government operation against a coalition ranging from anti-vaccine and anti-5G activists...". Here is a highly relevant quotation from Thom Forester, "When the army's psychological operations department is deployed against the civilian population - you know it's not about public health.” Wake up ; )


In the recent book, "COVID-19: The Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (the institution that partnered with the WHO to declare a pandemic of international concern in March, and is behind the call to impose lockdowns on the majority of the world's population) states openly that the virus itself is of little concern, and that lockdown measures will continue indefinitely to push through automation and digital technologies that benefit corporations at the expense of the poor and the third world. 

An excerpt from the book:
"In one form or another, social- and physical-distancing measures are likely to persist after the pandemic itself subsides, justifying the decision in many companies from different industries to accelerate automation. After a while, the enduring concerns about technological unemployment will recede as societies emphasize the need to restructure the workplace in a way that minimizes close human contact. Indeed, automation technologies are particularly well suited to a world in which human beings can’t get too close to each other or are willing to reduce their interactions. Our lingering and possibly lasting fear of being infected with a virus (COVID-19 or another) will thus speed the relentless march of automation, particularly in the fields most susceptible to automation. In 2016, two academics from Oxford University came to the conclusion that up to 86% of jobs in restaurants, 75% of jobs in retail and 59% of jobs in entertainment could be automatized by 2035. These three industries are among those the hardest hit by the pandemic and in which automating for reasons of hygiene and cleanliness will be a necessity that in turn will further accelerate the transition towards more tech and more digital. There is an additional phenomenon set to support the expansion of automation: when “economic distancing” might follow social distancing. As countries turn inward and global companies shorten their super-efficient but highly fragile supply chains, automation and robots that enable more local production, while keeping costs down, will be in great demand. The process of automation was set in motion many years ago, but the critical issue once again relates to the accelerating pace of change and transition: the pandemic will fast-forward the adoption of automation in the workplace and the introduction of more robots in our personal and professional lives. From the onset of the lockdowns, it became apparent that robots and AI were a “natural” alternative when human labour was not available. Furthermore, they were used whenever possible to reduce the health risks to human employees. At a time when physical distancing became an obligation, robots were deployed in places as different as warehouses, supermarkets and hospitals in a broad range of activities, from shelf scanning (an area in which AI has made tremendous forays) to cleaning and of course robotic delivery – a soon-to-be important component of healthcare supply chains that will in turn lead to the “contactless” delivery of groceries and other essentials. As for many other technologies that were on the distant horizon in terms of adoption (like telemedicine), businesses, consumers and public authorities are now rushing to turbocharge the speed of adoption. "

This is from the Conclusion to the book, page 247:
"There is no denying that the COVID-19 virus has more often than not been a personal catastrophe for the millions affected by it, and for their families and communities. However, at a global level, if viewed in terms of the percentage of the global population affected, the corona crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years. In all likelihood, unless the pandemic evolves in an unforeseen way, the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics. At the end of June 2020, COVID-19 has killed less than 0.006% of the world population. To put this low figure into context, the Spanish flu killed 2.7% of the world's population and HIV/AIDS 0.6%"


And a quote here from my friend, Steve Jolly on Facebook, posted in July 2020:

"After keeping you a prisoner and holding you hostage for months, you are now being told that wearing a face mask is the key to unlocking the door to some restricted 'freedoms' (but wearing a stupid mask is preferable to lockdown, right? So no big deal).
Wear this face mask to signal your successful completion of 'STAGE 1 Compliance Training'.
STAGE 1: Mandatory wearing of face masks
STAGE 2: Widespread adoption of a TEST and TRACE APP.
STAGE 3: Add a 'COVI-PASS' testing/immunity QR CODE to your phone (as already in use in China).
STAGE 4: Get the VACCINATION for Covid-19. Comes with 'quantum dot' biometric dermal tattoo (see Bill Gates/Microsoft DIGITAL VACCINE CERTIFICATE (containing information than can be read using a mobile phone App).
STAGE 5: Get a microchip implant. It's the 3-in-1 solution! (Digital ID + Vaccination record + Cashless payment system).
Your total enslavement is now complete!"

And my Facebook post from April 2020 ; )

This "virus" and possible future mutations have become the outside threat that Kissinger and Rockefeller talked about.

COVID 19 isn't actually a virus (this is confirmed officially by both the WHO and Wikipedia), it's a disease (COrona VIrus Disease 2019) that is thought to be caused by a new virus that supposedly was isolated from the lungs of people in Wuhan, called SARS COV 2. However there is also evidence that only genetic material or exosomes were isolated, not an actual definitive new virus. The PCR tests for SARS COV 2 (or what has been labelled as SARS COV 2) are not accurate enough to reliably test for "SARS COV 2", so they are only testing for genetic material that is similar to what was "isolated" in Wuhan or genetic material from known coronaviruses in general. And the tests do not show how much of a "virus" is in your body and whether it is taking over your body to cause illness. There are at least 7 coronaviruses known to affect humans and most just cause mild cold symptoms. People die of other things and are being labelled as dying from "COVID -19". Or the media will write, "This person died after testing positive for COVID-19". And COVID-19, as it's actually a disease as opposed to a specific virus, could refer to any coronaviruses who most people have in their bodies. This is why if you look at the total number of deaths around Europe from all causes, they are not significantly higher than normal. This may change soon however. This lockdown benefits the 1% and the deep state who are passing new laws daily to inflict more control on the masses, a microchipped population, mandatory vaccines and the creation of a 5G (and subsequent 6G) sub/virtual/augmented reality linking humanity to AI via nanotechnology and smart/quantum dust. Bill Gates's vaccines contain synthetic DNA (as confirmed in the mainstream media), nanotechnology that replicates and turns us into partly-synthetic beings. They will be mandatory and you will likely not be allowed to travel or lead a normal life without getting one. As he says himself, there will also be a microchip or "digital tattoo" to monitor who has it! And people who watch and believe their mainstream media will demand to have it. DNA replicates and is a crystalline receiver/transmitter - it's likely that synthetic DNA will connect humans to the emerging 5G IOT AI sub reality. As AI connected to quantum computers will become the dominant force and intelligence on this planet, the elites and Elon Musk believe the only way to survive is to link humanity to it. 5G is essential for AI, the Internet of Things, autonomous cars and other IOT tech to work effectively. Check out Elon Musk's Neuralink and other companies. Interestingly, in scientific papers 5G at 60GHZ has been shown to absorb oxygen at an extreme level, potentially creating similar symptoms in humans to pneumonia or "SARS COV 2". By a strange coincidence or maybe not, SAR is also the way wireless radiation is measured (it stands for Specific Absorption Rate). Also "corona" is the field around high voltage electricity. Radiation is also known to induce viruses to reproduce themselves. Small and medium sized independent businesses, restaurants and the food supply are being destroyed and we are becoming more reliant on our governments to save us! Read George Orwell or David Icke who predicted this. Even if isolation laws are relaxed, there will be another "virus" or health crisis soon (possibly caused by 5G) coming, so this isolation could just be a test run. We are approaching a global fascist AI technocracy if we always believe our media and do what our governments tell us, we must do our own research and free our minds.

Bill Gates's vaccine containing synthetic DNA:

Simulated Similar Pandemic 2 Months Before Actual Pandemic involving Bill Gates:

Italian government says that 99% of those who died in Italy had at least one other major illness:

Doctors told to fill in death certificate as COVID-19 without even tests, simply because they have symptoms that could be many diseases:

"It's worth remembering again ...that the Office of National Statistics rates are people who have COVID on their death certificate but it doesn't necessarily mean they have been infected because many of them haven't been tested".

Yet more evidence "COVID 19" statistics are totally not to be trusted and total death rates from all causes during the last 3 months are actually less than averages during the same 3 month period during the last 5 years. People dying of other things are just being labelled as COVID 19 victims. 
According to ONS:
2020 total deaths from all causes January, February and March (statistics measured between weeks ending January 3rd and March 27th) = 150,057
Last 5 year average total deaths from all causes January, February and March (statistics measured between weeks ending January 3rd and March 27th) = 153,868

The following quote is very relevant to now, and this "New Normal" world that the few are trying to enforce over the many. He, along with George Orwell and David Icke, predicted this would happen long ago. But it's our choice. By Percy Shelley from "The Masque of Anarchy":

“Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number-
Shake your chains to earth like
Which in sleep had fallen on you
Ye are many-they are few.”



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